Author: Bergendorf U

Original article 2009;35(3):203-211   pdf
N-nitrosamines in the southern Swedish rubber industries – exposure, health effects, and immunologic markers
Jönsson LS, Lindh CH, Bergendorf U, Axmon A, Littorin M, Jönsson BAG
Original article 2003;29(1):40-50   pdf
Annoyance and performance during the experimental chemical challenge of subjects with multiple chemical sensitivity
Österberg K, Ørbæk P, Karlson B, Åkesson B, Bergendorf U
Original article 2000;26(3):219-226   pdf
Psychological test performance during experimental challenge to toluene and n-butyl acetate in cases of solvent-induced toxic encephalopathy
Österberg K, Ørbæk P, Karlson B, Seger L, Åkesson B, Bergendorf U
Special section 1998;24(5):432-438   pdf
Suprathreshold intensity and annoyance reactions in experimental challenge to toluene and n-butyl acetate among subjects with long-term solvent exposure
Ørbæk P, Österberg K, Åkesson B, Bergendorf U, Karlson B, Seger L