Author: Lundberg I

Original article 1980;6(4):291-298   pdf
Chromosome aberrations and sister chromatid exchanges in Swedish paint industry workers.
Haglund U, Lundberg I, Zech L
Original article 1986;12(2):108-113   pdf
Mortality and cancer incidence among Swedish paint industry workers with long-term exposure to organic solvents.
Lundberg I
Original article 1986;12(2):149-153   pdf
Correlation of xylene exposure and methyl hippuric acid excretion in urine among paint industry workers.
Lundberg I, Sollenberg J
Original article 1991;17(3):159-169   pdf
A collaborative study of cancer incidence and mortality among vinyl chloride workers.
Simonato L, L'Abbe KA, Andersen A, Belli S, Comba P, Engholm G, Ferro G, Hagmar L, Langard S, Lundberg I, et al.
Original article 1994;20(4):251-261   pdf
Cancer mortality in a historical cohort study of workers exposed to styrene.
Kogevinas M, Ferro G, Andersen A, Bellander T, Biocca M, Coggon D, Gennaro V, Hutchings S, Kolstad H, Lundberg I, et al.
Original article 2007;33(4):293-303   pdf
Parental occupational exposure to pesticides and the risk of childhood leukemia in Costa Rica
Monge P, Wesseling C, Guardado J, Lundberg I, Ahlbom A, Cantor KP, Weiderpass E, Partanen T
Original article 2004;30(5):362-370   pdf
Central nervous system effects of acute organophosphate poisoning in a two-year follow-up
Delgado E, McConnell R, Miranda J, Keifer M, Lundberg I, Partanen T, Wesseling C
Commentary 1999;25(3):296-300   pdf
Collaboration between developing and developed countries and between developing countries in occupational health research and surveillance
Partanen TJ, Hogstedt C, Ahasan R, Aragón A, Arroyave ME, Jeyaratnam J, Kurppa K, Loewenson R, Lundberg I, Ngowi AVF, Mbakaya CFL, Stayner L, Steenland K, Weiderpass E, Wesseling C
Original article 1998;24(4):270-275   pdf
Mortality and cancer incidence among Swedish paint industry workers with long-term exposure to organic solvents
Lundberg I, Milatou-Smith R
Short communication 1996;22(3):223-226   pdf
Exposure to styrene and mortality from nonmalignant diseases of the genitourinary system
Welp E, Partanen T, Kogevinas M, Andersen A, Bellander T, Biocca M, Coggon D, Fontana V, Kolstad H, Lundberg I, Lynge E, Spence A, Ferro G, Boffetta P, Saracci R
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