Author: Loef B

Original article 2022;48(5):380-390   pdf full text
Working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic and its longitudinal association with physical activity and sedentary behavior
Loef B, van Oostrom SH, van der Noordt M; Lifelines Corona Research initiative, Proper KI
Original article 2020;46(5):516-524   pdf full text
The mediating role of sleep, physical activity, and diet in the association between shift work and respiratory infections
Loef B, van der Beek AJ, Hulsegge G, van Baarle D, Proper KI
Original article 2020;46(2):143-151   pdf full text
Shift work and its relation with meal and snack patterns among healthcare workers
Hulsegge G, Loef B, Benda T, van der Beek AJ, Proper KI
Original article 2018;44(3):265-273   pdf
Objectively measured physical activity of hospital shift workers
Loef B, van der Beek AJ, Holtermann A, Hulsegge G, van Baarle D, Proper KI