Key term: memory

Original article 2022;48(1):71-80   pdf full text
Screening for cognitive impairment among patients with work-related stress complaints in Denmark: validation and evaluation of objective and self-report tools
Jensen JH, Miskowiak KW, Purdon SE, Thomsen JF, Eller NH
Original article 1979;5(4):352-361   pdf
The effects of moderate heat stress on mental performance.
Wyon DP, Andersen I, Lundqvist GR
Original article 2007;33(3):223-232   pdf
Cognitive function in outpatients with perceived chronic stress
Öhman L, Nordin S, Bergdahl J, Slunga Birgander L, Stigsdotter Neely A
Original article SJWEH Suppl 2006; (2):41-46   pdf
Self-reported conceptions of memory and concentration in comparison with the neuropsychological test performance of manual workers
Bast-Pettersen R
Original article 2006;32(4):310-317   pdf
Objective neuropsychological test performance of professional divers reporting a subjective complaint of “forgetfulness or loss of concentration”
Taylor CL, Macdiarmid JI, Ross JAS, Osman LM, Watt SJ, Adie W, Crawford JR, Lawson A
Original article 2006;32(4):294-299   pdf
Recall of prior musculoskeletal pain
Miranda H, Gold JE, Gore R, Punnett L
Original article 1998;24 suppl 3:109-114   pdf
Diurnal trends in mood and performance do not all parallel alertness
Owens DS, Macdonald I, Tucker P, Sytnik N, Minors D, Waterhouse J, Totterdell P, Folkard S