Key term: trapezius muscle

Original article 2013;39(4):390-400   pdf full text
The effect of work-related sustained trapezius muscle activity on the development of neck and shoulder pain among young adults
Hanvold TN, Wærsted M, Mengshoel AM, Bjertness E, Stigum H, Twisk J, Veiersted KB
Article SJWEH Suppl 2007; (3):76-80   pdf
Trapezius muscle tone and viscoelastic properties in sitting and supine positions
Viir R, Virkus A, Laiho K, Rajaleid K, Selart A, Mikkelsson M
Original article 1999;25(1):57-66   pdf
Interindividual variation of physical load in a work task
Balogh I, Hansson G-Å, Ohlsson K, Strömberg U, Skerfving S