Key term: perinatal death

Original article 2010;36(3):222-230   pdf
Pregnancy outcomes among daycare employees in Finland
Riipinen A, Sallmén M, Taskinen H, Koskinen A, Lindbohm M-L
Original article 1980;6(2):131-134   pdf
Pregnancy outcome for women working in laboratories in some of the pharmaceutical industries in Sweden.
Hansson E, Jansa S, Wande H, Källén B, Östlund E
Original article 1981;7(2):114-118   pdf
Delivery outcome for women working in the pulp and paper industry.
Blomqvist U, Ericson A, Källén B, Westerholm P
Original article 2003;29(2):94-99   pdf
Pregnancy outcome among offspring of airline pilots and cabin attendants
Irgens Å, Irgens LM, Reitan JB, Haldorsen T, Tveten U
Original article 1995;21(4):277-282   pdf
Perinatal outcome among the offspring of employees and people living around a Swedish smelter
Wulff M, Högberg U, Sandström AIM