Key term: woman

Original article 2012;38(6):553-559   pdf
Nightshift work job exposure matrices and urinary 6-sulfatoxymelatonin levels among healthy Chinese women
Ji B-T, Gao Y-T, Shu X-O, Yang G, Yu K, Xue S-Z, Li H-L, Liao LM, Blair A, Rothman N, Zheng W, Chow W-H
Original article 2012;38(4):349-357   pdf
Gender differences in the effect of weekly working hours on occupational injury risk in the United States working population
Wirtz A, Lombardi DA, Willetts JL, Folkard S, Christiani DC
Original article 2010;36(5):404-412   pdf
The work ability index and single-item question: associations with sick leave, symptoms, and health – a prospective study of women on long-term sick leave
Ahlstrom L, Grimby-Ekman A, Hagberg M, Dellve L
Original article 2010;36(5):394-403   pdf
Gender differences in sickness absence – the contribution of occupation and workplace
Laaksonen M, Mastekaasa A, Martikainen P, Rahkonen O, Piha K, Lahelma E
Original article 1977;3(1):16-22   pdf
A clinical, neurophysiological and behavioral study of female workers exposed to 1,1,1-trichloroethane.
Maroni M, Bulgheroni C, Cassitto MG, Merluzzi F, Gilioli R, Foa´ V
Original article 1977;3(1):32-35   pdf
Mercury in human amniotic fluid.
Suzuki T, Takemoto T-I, Shishido S, Kani K
Original article 1980;6(2):131-134   pdf
Pregnancy outcome for women working in laboratories in some of the pharmaceutical industries in Sweden.
Hansson E, Jansa S, Wande H, Källén B, Östlund E
Original article 1981;7(2):114-118   pdf
Delivery outcome for women working in the pulp and paper industry.
Blomqvist U, Ericson A, Källén B, Westerholm P
Short communication 1982;8(1):74-77   pdf
Obstetric histories of women occupationally exposed to styrene.
Härkönen H, Holmberg PC
Original article 2009;35(6):446-453   pdf
Cancer incidence among large cohort of female Danish registered nurses
Kjaer TK, Hansen J
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