Key term: exposure

Short communication 1982;8(2):137-140   pdf
Car painters` exposure to a mixture of organic solvents. Serum activities of liver enzymes.
Kurppa K, Husman K
Original article 1982;8(2):113-120   pdf
Assessment of coronary heart disease risk among viscose rayon workers exposed to carbon disulfide at concentrations of about 30 mg/m3.
Franco G, Malamani T, Germani L, Candura F
Original article 2009;35(3):222-232   pdf
Self-reported versus expert-assessed work-relatedness of pain in the neck, shoulder, and arm
Mehlum IS, Veiersted KB, Wærsted M, Wergeland E, Kjuus H
Original article 2009;35(3):203-211   pdf
N-nitrosamines in the southern Swedish rubber industries – exposure, health effects, and immunologic markers
Jönsson LS, Lindh CH, Bergendorf U, Axmon A, Littorin M, Jönsson BAG
Original article 1993;19(3):200-207   pdf
Effect of the reduction of skin contamination on the internal dose of creosote workers exposed to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
Van Rooij JGM, Van Lieshout MA, Bodelier-Bade MM, Jongeneelen FJ
Original article 2009;35(1):48-55   pdf
Differences between day and nonday workers in exposure to physical and psychosocial work factors in the Danish eldercare sector
Nabe-Nielsen K, Tüchsen F, Christensen KB, Garde AH, Diderichsen F
Case report 2009;35(2):153-155   pdf
Acute effects after occupational endotoxin exposure at a spa
Holm M, Johannesson S, Torén K, Dahlman-Höglund A
Original article 2008;34(6):444-450   pdf
Exposure to iron and welding fumes and the risk of lung cancer
Siew SS, Kauppinen T, Kyyrönen P, Heikkilä P, Pukkala E
Discussion paper 2008;34(6):471-478   pdf
Sharpening the focus on occupational safety and health in nanotechnology
Schulte P, Geraci C, Zumwalde R, Hoover M, Castranova V, Kuempel E, Murashov V, Vainio H, Savolainen K
Original article 2008;34(5):396-402   pdf
Prevalence and characteristics of functional dyspepsia among workers exposed to cement dust
Coppeta L, Pietroiusti A, Magrini A, Somma G, Bergamaschi A
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