Author: Tola S

Book review 1981;7(4):313-313
Occupational Health Risk Assessment: a Preparatory Study of the Exposure of Welders to Toxic Substances and the Resluting Health Effects
Tola S
Book review 1981;7(2):154-154
Biological Monitoring Methods for Industrial Chemicals
Tola S, reviewer
Book review 1981;7(2):153-154
Metals in the Environment
Tola S, reviewer
Book review 1981;7(1):68-69
Recommended Health-based Limits in Occupational Exposure to heavy Metals: Report of a WHO Study Group
Tola S, reviewer
Book review 1980;6(2):161-162
Handbook on the Toxicology of Metals
Tola S, reviewer
Original article 1975;1(3):173-177   pdf
Occupational lead exposure in Finland. IV. The polyvinyl chloride plastic industry.
Tola S
Original article 1976;2(1):31-36   pdf
Occupational lead exposure in Finland. V. Shipyards and shipbreaking.
Tola S, Karskela V
Original article 1976;2(2):115-127   pdf
Occupational lead exposure in Finland. VI. Final report.
Tola S, Hernberg S, Vesanto R
Original article 1977;3(4):192-202   pdf
Urinary chromium as an indicator of the exposure of welders to chromium.
Tola S, Kilpiö J, Virtamo M, Haapa K
Original article 1979;5(4):336-344   pdf
The battle against occupational lead poisoning in Finland. Experiences during the 15-year period 1964--1978.
Hernberg S, Tola S
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