Author: Härmä M

Editorial 2015;41(5):421-424   pdf full text
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health: 40 years of innovative research with societal impact in the field of occupational health
Härmä M, Viikari-Juntura E, O'Donoghue-Lindy L
Original article 2015;41(3):268-279   pdf full text
Developing register-based measures for assessment of working time patterns for epidemiologic studies
Härmä M, Ropponen A, Hakola T, Koskinen A, Vanttola P, Puttonen S, Sallinen M, Salo P, Oksanen T, Pentti J, Vahtera J, Kivimäki M
Editorial 2014;40(4):331-333   pdf full text
The importance of preventing work-related disability
Burdorf A, Järvholm B, Härmä M
Editorial 2013;39(6):531-533   pdf full text
Psychosocial work characteristics and sleep – a well-known but poorly understood association
Härmä M
Editorial 2012;38(5):391-392   pdf
Is retirement beneficial or harmful to mental health?
Härmä M
Editorial 2012;38(4):291-297   pdf
Worktime control: theoretical conceptualization, current empirical knowledge, and research agenda
Beckers DGJ, Kompier MAJ, Kecklund G, Härmä M
Consensus report 2012;38(4):380-390   pdf
Work at night and breast cancer – report on evidence-based options for preventive actions
Bonde JP, Hansen J, Kolstad HA, Mikkelsen S, Olsen JH, Blask DE, Härmä M, Kjuus H, de Koning HJ, Olsen J, Møller M, Schernhammer ES, Stevens RG, Åkerstedt T
Original article 2012;38(4):343-348   pdf
The relationship between current and former shift work and the metabolic syndrome
Puttonen S, Viitasalo K, Härmä M
Editorial 2011;37(6):451-453   pdf
Adding more years to the work careers of an aging workforce – what works?
Härmä M
Editorial 2010;36(2):81-84   pdf
Shift work and health – how to proceed?
Härmä M, Kecklund G
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