Key term: biomechanics

Original article 2013;39(4):379-389   pdf full text
The effect of overcommitment and reward on muscle activity, posture, and forces in the arm-wrist-hand region – a field study among computer workers
Eijckelhof BHW, Bruno Garza JL, Huysmans MA, Blatter BM, Johnson PW, van Dieën JH, van der Beek AJ, Dennerlein JT
Original article 2012;38(6):568-576   pdf
Long-term effects of biomechanical exposure on severe shoulder pain in the Gazel cohort
Descatha A, Teysseyre D, Cyr D, Imbernon E, Chastang J-F, Plenet A, Bonenfant S, Zins M, Goldberg M, Roquelaure Y, Leclerc A
Case report 2005;31(2):160-163   pdf
Occupational relevance of subclavian vein thrombosis in association with thoracic outlet syndrome
Fiorentini C, Mattioli S, Graziosi F, Bonfiglioli R, Armstrong TJ, Violante FS
Letter to the Editor 2001;27(1):82-83   pdf
Study on postural stress and shoulder disorders
Bonde JP, Kolstad H
Original article 2000;26(4):283-291   pdf
Shoulder disorders and postural stress in automobile assembly work
Punnett L, Fine LJ, Keyserling WM, Herrin GD, Chaffin DB
Review 1995;21(1):3-14   pdf
Occupational back pain -- an unhelpful polemic
Frank JW, Pulcins IR, Kerr MS, Shannon HS, Stansfeld SA