Key term: sister chromatid exchange

1978;4 suppl 2:259-264   pdf
Chromosome aberrations in lymphocytes of workers exposed to styrene.
Meretoja T, Järventaus H, Sorsa M, Vainio H
Original article 1980;6(4):291-298   pdf
Chromosome aberrations and sister chromatid exchanges in Swedish paint industry workers.
Haglund U, Lundberg I, Zech L
1981;7 suppl 4:61-65   pdf
Monitoring genotoxicity in the occupational environment.
Sorsa M, Falck K, Norppa H, Vainio H
Original article 1981;7(4):241-251   pdf
Biological monitoring in the identification of the cancer of individuals exposed to chemical carcinogens.
Vainio H, Sorsa M, Rantanen J, Hemminki K, Aitio A
Original article 1981;7(4):277-281   pdf
Chromosome aberrations in cultured human lymphocytes exposed to trivalent and pentavalent arsenic.
Nordenson I, Sweins A, Beckman L
Original article 1999;25(2):131-136   pdf
Exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and genotoxic effects on nonsmoking Swedish road pavement workers
Järvholm B, Nordström G, Högstedt B, Levin J-O, Wahlström J, Östman C, Bergendahl C