Key term: risk

Original article 2009;35(3):233-240   pdf
Lifetime occupational history and risk of endometriosis
Marino JL, Holt VL, Chen C, Davis S
Original article 2009;35(2):113-126   pdf
Gender adjustment or stratification in discerning upper extremity musculoskeletal disorder risk?
Silverstein B, Fan ZJ, Smith CK, Bao S, Howard N, Spielholz P, Bonauto DK, Viikari-Juntura E
Original article 2008;34(6):444-450   pdf
Exposure to iron and welding fumes and the risk of lung cancer
Siew SS, Kauppinen T, Kyyrönen P, Heikkilä P, Pukkala E
Discussion paper 2008;34(6):471-478   pdf
Sharpening the focus on occupational safety and health in nanotechnology
Schulte P, Geraci C, Zumwalde R, Hoover M, Castranova V, Kuempel E, Murashov V, Vainio H, Savolainen K
Original article 2008;34(2):151-157   pdf
High risk for nasal carriage of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus among Danish veterinary practitioners
Moodley A, Nightingale EC, Stegger M, Nielsen SS, Skov RL, Guardabassi L
Original article 2008;34(1):40-47   pdf
Job control and the risk of incident stroke in the working population in Sweden
Toivanen S
Review 2008;34(1):5-22   pdf
Nightshift work and risk of breast cancer and other cancers—a critical review of the epidemiologic evidence
Kolstad HA
Original article 2008;34(2):142-150   pdf
Driver impairment at night and its relation to physiological sleepiness
Anund A, Kecklund G, Peters B, Forsman Å, Lowden A, Åkerstedt T
Original article 2007;33(4):293-303   pdf
Parental occupational exposure to pesticides and the risk of childhood leukemia in Costa Rica
Monge P, Wesseling C, Guardado J, Lundberg I, Ahlbom A, Cantor KP, Weiderpass E, Partanen T
Article 2002;28 suppl 2:41-51   pdf
Environmental tobacco smoke and the risk of cardiovascular disease
Jousilahti P, Patja K, Salomaa V
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