Key term: chronic disease

Original article 2022;48(7):560-568   pdf full text
Chronic disorders, work-unit leadership quality and long-term sickness absence among 33 025 public hospital employees
Mehta AJ, Mathisen J, Nguyen T-L, Rugulies R, Hulvej Rod N
Original article 2022;48(5):391-398   pdf full text
The influence of chronic diseases and poor working conditions in working life expectancy across educational levels among older employees in the Netherlands
Schram JLD, Schuring M, Oude Hengel KM, Burdorf A, Robroek SJW
Review 2022;48(4):253-263   pdf full text
Can we distinguish the roles of demographic and temporal changes in the incidence and prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders? A systematic review
Bouziri H, Descatha A, Roquelaure Y, Dab W, Jean K
Original article 2021;47(3):224-232   pdf full text
Effects of changes in early retirement policies on labor force participation: the differential effects for vulnerable groups
Oude Hengel KM, Riumallo-Herl C, Schram JLD, Nieboer D, van der Beek AJ, Burdorf A
Original article 2021;47(3):208-216   pdf full text
The influence of chronic diseases and multimorbidity on entering paid employment among unemployed persons – a longitudinal register-based study
Yildiz B, Burdorf A, Schuring M
Editorial 2019;45(4):321-323   pdf full text
How can we break the vicious circle between poor health and exit from paid employment?
van der Beek AJ, Kunst AE
Opinion 2019;45(5):514-519   pdf full text
Health and prolonging working lives: an advisory report of the Health Council of The Netherlands
van der Mark-Reeuwijk KG, Weggemans RM, Bültmann U, Burdorf A, Deeg DJH, Geuskens GA, Henkens KCJIM, Kant I, de Lange A, Lindeboom M, van Rhenen W, van der Beek AJ
Original article 2019;45(4):346-355   pdf full text
The contribution of health to educational inequalities in exit from paid employment in five European regions
Schuring M, Schram JLD, Robroek SJW, Burdorf A
Original article 2017;43(2):146-154   pdf full text
Joint association of multimorbidity and work ability with risk of long-term sickness absence: a prospective cohort study with register follow-up
Sundstrup E, Jakobsen MD, Mortensen OS, Andersen LL
Original article 2016;42(5):413-422   pdf full text
The relationship between chronic conditions and absenteeism and associated costs in Canada
Zhang W, McLeod CB, Koehoorn M
Editorial 2014;40(6):539-541   pdf full text
Workplace interventions: a challenge for promoting long-term health among shift workers
Lowden A, Moreno C
Original article 2014;40(2):167-175   pdf full text
Impact of pre-existing chronic conditions on age differences in sickness absence after a musculoskeletal work injury: A path analysis approach
Smith P, Bielecky A, Ibrahim S, Mustard C, Saunders R, Beaton D, Koehoorn M, McLeod C, Scott-Marshall H, Hogg-Johnson S
Editorial 2012;38(6):485-488   pdf
The need for novel strategies to analyze the dynamic pattern of worker’s health over time and the consequences for sustained employability
Burdorf A
Original article 2011;37(4):288-297   pdf
Effect of job maintenance training program for employees with chronic disease – a randomized controlled trial on self-efficacy, job satisfaction, and fatigue
Varekamp I, Verbeek JH, de Boer A, van Dijk FJH
Review 2009;35(4):261-281   pdf
Common prognostic factors of work disability among employees with a chronic somatic disease: a systematic review of cohort studies
Detaille SI, Heerkens YF, Engels JA, van der Gulden JWJ, van Dijk FJH
Original article 2009;35(4):309-318   pdf
Medical program for shift workers – impacts on chronic disease and mortality outcomes
Oberlinner C, Ott MG, Nasterlack M, Yong M, Messerer P, Zober A, Lang S
Article SJWEH Suppl 2008; (6):117-135   pdf
Low social control and physiological deregulation—the stress–disequilibrium theory, towards a new demand–control model
Karasek R
Original article 2003;29(2):134-142   pdf
What employees with rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes mellitus and hearing loss need to cope at work
Detaille SI, Haafkens JA, van Dijk FJH