Key term: worker

Review 2025;51(1):3-14   pdf full text
Workplace-based prevention and management of knee pain: a systematic review
Skovlund SV, Østergaard MSE, Seeberg KGV, Suetta C, Aagaard P, Andersen LL, Sundstrup E
Original article 2023;49(3):211-221   pdf full text
Association of occupational heat exposure and colorectal cancer in the MCC-Spain study
Hinchliffe A, Kogevinas M, Molina AJ, Moreno V, Aragonés N, Castaño-Vinyals G, Jiménez Moleón JJ, Gómez Acebo I, Ederra M, Amiano P, Molina-Barceló A, Fernandez-Tardon G, Alguacil J, Chirlaque M-D, Hernández-Segura N, Pérez-Gómez B, Pollan M, Turner MC
Original article 2022;48(4):273-282   pdf full text
Higher unemployment and higher work-related traumatic fatality: trends and associations from the Canadian province of Saskatchewan, 2007–2018
Essien SK, Trask C, Feng C
Original article 2020;46(2):152-160   pdf full text
Shift work and the risk of knee osteoarthritis among Chinese workers: a retrospective cohort study
Zhou M, Yang S, Guo Y, Wang D, Qiu W, Wang B, Mu G, Cao L, Zhang Z, Chen W
Review 2019;45(4):333-345   pdf full text
Fatigue and risk of sickness absence in the working population: A systematic review and meta-analysis of longitudinal studies
Sagherian K, Geiger-Brown J, Rogers VE, Ludeman E
Original article 2019;45(4):386-395   pdf full text
The effect of strengthening health literacy in nursing homes on employee pain and consequences of pain ‒ a stepped-wedge intervention trial
Larsen AK, Thygesen LC, Mortensen OS, Punnett L, Jørgensen MB
Short communication 2019;45(3):308-311   pdf full text
What do employers spend to protect the health of workers?
Mustard C, Tompa E, Landsman V, Lay M
Original article 2018;44(6):613-621   pdf full text
Effectiveness of a digital platform-based implementation strategy to prevent work stress in a healthcare organization: a 12-month follow-up controlled trial
Havermans BM, Boot CRL, Brouwers EPM, Houtman ILD, Heerkens YF, Zijlstra-Vlasveld MC, Twisk JWR, Anema JR, van der Beek AJ
Review 2018;44(4):351-369   pdf full text
Health effects of wind turbines in working environments – a scoping review
Freiberg A, Schefter C, Girbig M, Murta VC, Seidler A
Original article 2018;44(2):156-162   pdf full text
Prediction models to identify workers at risk of sick leave due to low-back pain in the Dutch construction industry
Bosman LC, Dijkstra L, Joling CI, Heymans MW, Twisk JWR, Roelen CAM
Original article 2018;44(1):47-57   pdf full text
Time course of neck-shoulder pain among workers: A longitudinal latent class growth analysis
Hallman DM, Rasmussen CDN, Jørgensen MB, Holtermann A
Original article 2018;44(1):58-68   pdf full text
Effectiveness of a participatory physical and psychosocial intervention to balance the demands and resources of industrial workers: A cluster-randomized controlled trial
Gupta N, Wåhlin-Jacobsen CD, Abildgaard JS, Henriksen LN, Nielsen K, Holtermann A
Original article 2018;44(2):202-211   pdf full text
Objectively measured occupational and leisure-time physical activity: cross-sectional associations with sleep problems
Skarpsno ES, Mork PJ, Nilsen TIL, Jørgensen MB, Holtermann A
Original article 2017;43(4):326-336   pdf full text
Predicting working beyond retirement in the Netherlands: an interdisciplinary approach involving occupational epidemiology and economics
Scharn M, van der Beek AJ, Huisman M, de Wind A, Lindeboom M, Elbers CTM, Geuskens GA, Boot CRL
Original article 2017;43(4):385-390   pdf full text
The association between blood lead levels and cardiovascular diseases among lead-exposed male workers
Min Y-S, Ahn Y-S
Short communication 2015;41(4):413-416   pdf full text
Shift work and mental health sickness absence: a 10-year observational cohort study among male production workers
Norder G, Roelen CAM, Bültmann U, van der Klink JJL
Original article 2014;40(6):631-638   pdf full text
Unnecessary work tasks and mental health: a prospective analysis of Danish human service workers
Madsen IEH, Tripathi M, Borritz M, Rugulies R
Review 2014;40(5):441-456   pdf full text
A reciprocal interplay between psychosocial job stressors and worker well-being? A systematic review of the “reversed” effect
Tang K
Original article 2014;40(3):305-314   pdf full text
Workers’ psychological distress, depression, and burnout symptoms: associations with diurnal cortisol profiles
Marchand A, Durand P, Juster R-P, Lupien SJ
Original article 2012;38(1):70-77   pdf
Estimation of life expectancies and loss-of-life expectancies for workers with permanent occupational disabilities of the extremities – a 21-year follow-up study
Lin S-H, Lee H-Y, Chang Y-Y, Jang Y, Wang J-D
Original article 2012;38(3):270-281   pdf
Sensitization and chronic beryllium disease at a primary manufacturing facility, part 3: exposure–response among short-term workers
Schuler CR, Virji MA, Deubner DC, Stanton ML, Stefaniak AB, Day GA, Park JY, Kent MS, Sparks R, Kathleen K
Original article 2011;37(5):411-417   pdf
The effects of sleep duration on the incidence of cardiovascular events among middle-aged male workers in Japan
Hamazaki Y, Morikawa Y, Nakamura K, Sakurai M, Miura K, Ishizaki M, Kido T, Naruse Y, Suwazono Y, Nakagawa H
Original article 2011;37(5):383-393   pdf
The effectiveness of participatory ergonomics to prevent low-back and neck pain – results of a cluster randomized controlled trial
Driessen MT, Proper KI, Anema JR, Knol DL, Bongers PM, van der Beek AJ
Original article 1981;7(3):214-222   pdf
Influence of fluoride recovery alumina on the work environment and the health of aluminum potroom workers
Eduard W, Lie A
Original article 1981;7(3):185-189   pdf
Occurrence of cancer in a small cohort of asbestos-exposed workers
Hilt B, Rosenberg J, Langård S
Original article 1981;7(3):179-184   pdf
A cohort study on cancer among workers exposed to an antirust oil
Järvholm B, Lavenius B
Original article 1979;5(3):188-194   pdf
Vanadium in the blood and urine of workers in a ferroalloy plant
Gylseth B, Leira HI, Steinnes E, Thomassen Y
Original article 2010;36(6):509-513   pdf
White fingers, cold environment, and vibration – exposure among Swedish construction workers
Burström L, Järvholm B, Nilsson T, Wahlström J
Amendments and corrections 1990;16(3):220-220   pdf
Re: Kongerud J, Vale JR, Aalen 00. Questionnaire reliability and validity for aluminum potroom workers. Scand J Work Environ Health 1989;15:364-70.
Kongerud J, Vale JR, Aalen OO
Letter to the Editor 1985;11(2):135-135   pdf
Re: "A mortality study of workers employed in a German rock wool factory" by J Claude, R Frentzel·Beyme. Scand J Work Environ Health 10 (1984) 151-157.
Hill JW
Original article 2010;36(2):142-149   pdf
Estimation of the benchmark duration of alternating shift work associated with increased total cholesterol levels among male Japanese workers
Suwazono Y, Uetani M, Oishi M, Tanaka K, Morimoto H, Nakada S, Sakata K
Review 2010;36(3):202-215   pdf
Lifestyle-focused interventions at the workplace to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease – a systematic review
Groeneveld IF, Proper KI, van der Beek AJ, Hildebrandt VH, van Mechelen W
Original article 2010;36(1):25-33   pdf
Effectiveness of an ergonomic intervention on the productivity of workers with upper-extremity disorders – a randomized controlled trial
Martimo K-P, Shiri R, Miranda H, Ketola R, Varonen H, Viikari-Juntura E
Original article 2010;36(1):71-79   pdf
Cancer incidence among short- and long-term workers in the Norwegian silicon carbide industry
Bugge MD, Kjuus H, Martinsen JI, Kjærheim K
Discussion paper SJWEH Suppl 2009; (7):36-40   pdf
Does endotoxin exposure affect lung function and induce systemic inflammation in workers handling bacterial single cell protein?
Skogstad M, Sikkeland LIB, Øvstebø R, Foss Haug KB, Kierulf P, Kulvik Heldal K, Kongerud J, Eduard W
Original article 1976;2(1):14-20   pdf
A case-referent study on neuropsychiatric disorders among workers exposed to solvents.
Axelson O, Hane M, Hogstedt C
Original article 1976;2(3):129-139   pdf
Disturbances in psychological functions of workers occupationally exposed to styrene.
Lindström K, Härkönen H, Hernberg S
Original article 1976;2(3):140-146   pdf
Neurophysiological findings among workers occupationally exposed to styrene.
Seppäläinen AM, Härkönen H
Original article 1976;2(3):152-164   pdf
Long-term exposure to jet fuel: an investigation on occupationally exposed workers with special reference to the nervous system.
Knave B, Persson HE, Goldberg JM, Westerholm P
Original article 1976;2(4):225-231   pdf
Relationships between lead absorption and peripheral nerve conduction velocities in lead workers.
Araki S, Honma T
Original article 1977;3(3):128-134   pdf
Neuropathy and the automatic analysis of electromyographic signals from vibration exposed workers.
Alaranta H, Seppäläinen AM
1978;4 suppl 2:114-118   pdf
Biological indicators of exposure in styrene polymerization workers. Styrene in blood and adipose tissue and mandelic and phenylglyoxylic acids in urine.
Wolff MS, Lilis R, Lorimer WV, Selikoff IJ
1978;4 suppl 2:196-199   pdf
Alcohol consumption and tolerance of workers exposed to styrene in relation to level of exposure and psychological symptoms and signs.
Lindström K, Härkönen H, Mantere P
1978;4 suppl 2:220-226   pdf
Health status of styrene-polystyrene polymerization workers.
Lorimer WV, Lilis R, Fischbein A, Daum S, Anderson H, Wolff MS, Selikoff IJ
1978;4 suppl 2:254-258   pdf
Mutagenicity study of workers employed in the styrene and polystyrene processing and manufacturing industry
Fleig I, Thiess AM
1978;4 suppl 2:259-264   pdf
Chromosome aberrations in lymphocytes of workers exposed to styrene.
Meretoja T, Järventaus H, Sorsa M, Vainio H
Original article 1979;5(1):50-58   pdf
Effects of vanadium on the upper respiratory tract of workers in a vanadium factory. A macroscopic and microscopic study.
Kiviluoto M, Räsänen O, Rinne A, Rissanen M
Original article 1979;5(2):109-114   pdf
Ten-year coronary mortality of workers exposed to carbon disulfide.
Tolonen M, Nurminen M, Hernberg S
Original article 1979;5(2):115-125   pdf
Long-term exposure to electric fields. A cross-sectional epidemiologic investigation of occupationally exposed workers in high-voltage substations.
Knave B, Gamberale F, Bergström S, Birke E, Iregren A, Kolmodin-Hedman B, Wennberg A
Original article 1979;5(4):333-335   pdf
Increased frequency of chromosome aberrations in workers exposed to styrene.
Högstedt B, Hedner K, Mark-Vendel E, Mitelman F, Schütz A, Skerfving S
Original article 1979;5(4):362-367   pdf
Serum and urinary vanadium of vanadium-exposed workers.
Kiviluoto M, Pyy L, Pakarinen A
Original article 1980;6(1):58-65   pdf
Reactions to hand cooling in workers occupationally exposed to cold.
Enander A, Sköldström B, Holmér I
Original article 1980;6(1):66-72   pdf
Diet, physiological work and accident incidence of forge workers.
Brooke JD, Toogood S, Green LF
Original article 1980;6(1):73-79   pdf
Herbicide exposure and tumor mortality. An updated epidemiologic investigation on Swedish railroad workers.
Axelson O, Sundell L, Andersson K, Edling C, Hogstedt C, Kling H
1981;7 suppl 4:29-33   pdf
Neurophysiological findings among workers exposed to organic solvents.
Seppäläinen AM
1981;7 suppl 4:20-27   pdf
A cross-sectional medical and industrial hygiene survey of workers exposed to carbon disulfide.
Fajen J, Albright B, Leffingwell SS
1981;7 suppl 4:140-146   pdf
Mortality study of workers employed at organochlorine pesticide manufacturing plants.
Ditraglia D, Brown DP, Namekata T, Iverson N
1981;7 suppl 4:156-165   pdf
Mortality among workers in a die-casting and electroplating plant.
Silverstein M, Mirer F, Kotelchuck D, Silverstein B, Bennett M
1981;7 suppl 4:54-59   pdf
Follow-up studies of workers with bladder neuropathy caused by exposure to dimethylaminopropionitrile.
Baker EL, Christiani DC, Wegman DH, Siroky M, Niles CA, Feldman RG
Original article 1981;7(4):271-276   pdf
Accumulation of fibers in the eyes of workers handling man-made mineral fiber products.
Schneider T, Stokholm J
Original article 1989;15(5):364-370   pdf
Questionnaire reliability and validity for aluminum potroom workers.
Kongerud J, Vale JR, Aalen OO
Supplement 1991;17 suppl 1:1-141
The aging worker.
Ilmarinen J, guest editor
Original article 2009;35(4):301-308   pdf
Self-reported productivity loss among workers with upper extremity disorders
Martimo K-P, Shiri R, Miranda H, Ketola R, Varonen H, Viikari-Juntura E
Original article 2008;34(6):463-470   pdf
Long-term follow-up study of mortality and the incidence of cancer in a cohort of workers at a primary aluminum smelter in Sweden
Björ O, Damber L, Edström C, Nilsson T
Original article 2008;34(5):396-402   pdf
Prevalence and characteristics of functional dyspepsia among workers exposed to cement dust
Coppeta L, Pietroiusti A, Magrini A, Somma G, Bergamaschi A
Article SJWEH Suppl 2008; (6):15-21   pdf
Globalization, workers’ power and the psychosocial work environment—is the demand–control–support model still useful in a neoliberal era?
Johnson JV
Original article 2008;34(2):133-141   pdf
Salivary endothelin and vascular disorders in vibration-exposed workers
Bovenzi M, D’Agostin F, Rui F, Ambrosi L, Zefferino R
Article SJWEH Suppl 2007; (3):81-84   pdf
Holistic approaches to the prevention of musculoskeletal disorders among call-center workers
Caple DC
Original article 2007;33(2):131-140   pdf
A pattern recognition approach to the development of a classification system for upper-limb musculoskeletal disorders of workers
Beaton DE, Bombardier C, Cole DC, Hogg-Johnson S, Van Eerd D; Clinical Expert Group
Original article SJWEH Suppl 2006; (2):47-49   pdf
Indoor-air-related complaints and symptoms among hospital workers
Hellgren U-M, Reijula K
Original article SJWEH Suppl 2006; (2):41-46   pdf
Self-reported conceptions of memory and concentration in comparison with the neuropsychological test performance of manual workers
Bast-Pettersen R
Original article SJWEH Suppl 2006; (2):22-26   pdf
Diurnal profiles of salivary cortisol on workdays among construction workers versus white-collar workers
Hansen ÅM, Persson R, Garde AH, Karlson B, Ørbæk P
Original article 2006;32(2):91-99   pdf
Life-expectancy estimations and the determinants of survival after 15 years of follow-up for 81 249 workers with permanent occupational disabilities
Ho J-J, Hwang J-S, Wang J-D
Review 2005;31(6):409-437   pdf
Reproducibility and validity of workers’ self-reports of physical work demands
Stock SR, Fernandes R, Delisle A, Vézina N
Article SJWEH Suppl 2005; (1):54-57   pdf
Occupational health nurses’ contribution to health care workers’ health
Bigaignon-Cantineau J, Gonzalez M, Broessel N, Denu B, Hamzaoui H, Cantineau A
Article SJWEH Suppl 2005; (1):43-45   pdf
Children and other high-risk workers as a special challenge to occupational health services
Landrigan PJ, Newman B
Original article 2005;31(1):59-64   pdf
Methacholine bronchial responsiveness and variations in lung function among workers exposed to flour
Choudat D, Bensefa L, Causse-Sounillac E, Conso F
Original article 2004;30(5):356-361   pdf
Ovarian cancer and occupational exposure among pulp and paper employees in Norway
Langseth H, Kjærheim K
Original article 2004;30(4):279-286   pdf
Work-related risk factors for the incidence and recurrence of shoulder and neck complaints among nursing-home and elderly-care workers
Luime JJ, Kuiper JI, Koes BW, Verhaar JAN, Miedema HS, Burdorf A
Original article 2004;30(1):64-70   pdf
Cancer mortality and morbidity among Lithuanian asbestos-cement producing workers
Smailyte G, Kurtinaitis J, Andersen A
Original article 2002;28(6):411-417   pdf
Cancer incidence among workers in the asbestos-cement producing industry in Norway
Ulvestad B, Kjærheim K, Martinsen JI, Damberg G, Wannag A, Mowé G, Andersen A
Original article 2002;28(5):293-303   pdf
Low-back and shoulder complaints among workers with pushing and pulling tasks
Hoozemans MJM, van der Beek AJ, Frings-Dresen MHW, van der Woude LHV, van Dijk FJH
Supplement 2001;27 suppl 2:1-52   pdf
Evaluation of physical workload standards and guidelines from a Nordic perspective
Fallentin N, Viikari-Juntura E, Wærsted M, Kilbom Å
Discussion paper 2001;27(5):346-352   pdf
Vocational rehabilitation of workers with back pain
Verbeek JHAM
Original article 2001;27(5):335-342   pdf
Hearing loss among workers exposed to moderate concentrations of solvents
Sliwinska-Kowalska M, Zamyslowska-Szmytke E, Szymczak W, Kotylo P, Fiszer M, Dudarewicz A, Wesolowski W, Pawlaczyk-Luszczynska M, Stolarek R
Original article 2001;27(2):113-119   pdf
Cohort cancer incidence among pulp and paper mill workers in British Columbia
Band PR, Le ND, Fang R, Astrakianakis G, Bert J, Keefe A, Krewski D
Original article 2000;26(4):353-358   pdf
Time to pregnancy among male workers of the reinforced plastics industry in Denmark, Italy and The Netherlands
Kolstad HA, Bisanti L, Roeleveld N, Baldi R, Bonde JP, Joffe M, ASCLEPIOS
Proceedings paper 1995;21 suppl 2:63-65   pdf
Preliminary analysis of proportional mortality in a cohort of British pottery workers exposed to crystalline silica
McDonald JC, Cherry N, McNamee R, Burgess G, Turner S