Key term: worker

Original article 2010;36(2):142-149   pdf
Estimation of the benchmark duration of alternating shift work associated with increased total cholesterol levels among male Japanese workers
Suwazono Y, Uetani M, Oishi M, Tanaka K, Morimoto H, Nakada S, Sakata K
Review 2010;36(3):202-215   pdf
Lifestyle-focused interventions at the workplace to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease – a systematic review
Groeneveld IF, Proper KI, van der Beek AJ, Hildebrandt VH, van Mechelen W
Original article 2010;36(1):25-33   pdf
Effectiveness of an ergonomic intervention on the productivity of workers with upper-extremity disorders – a randomized controlled trial
Martimo K-P, Shiri R, Miranda H, Ketola R, Varonen H, Viikari-Juntura E
Original article 2010;36(1):71-79   pdf
Cancer incidence among short- and long-term workers in the Norwegian silicon carbide industry
Bugge MD, Kjuus H, Martinsen JI, Kjærheim K
Discussion paper SJWEH Suppl 2009; (7):36-40   pdf
Does endotoxin exposure affect lung function and induce systemic inflammation in workers handling bacterial single cell protein?
Skogstad M, Sikkeland LIB, Øvstebø R, Foss Haug KB, Kierulf P, Kulvik Heldal K, Kongerud J, Eduard W
Original article 1976;2(1):14-20   pdf
A case-referent study on neuropsychiatric disorders among workers exposed to solvents.
Axelson O, Hane M, Hogstedt C
Original article 1976;2(3):129-139   pdf
Disturbances in psychological functions of workers occupationally exposed to styrene.
Lindström K, Härkönen H, Hernberg S
Original article 1976;2(3):140-146   pdf
Neurophysiological findings among workers occupationally exposed to styrene.
Seppäläinen AM, Härkönen H
Original article 1976;2(3):152-164   pdf
Long-term exposure to jet fuel: an investigation on occupationally exposed workers with special reference to the nervous system.
Knave B, Persson HE, Goldberg JM, Westerholm P
Original article 1976;2(4):225-231   pdf
Relationships between lead absorption and peripheral nerve conduction velocities in lead workers.
Araki S, Honma T
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