Key term: need for recovery

Original article [online first; 20 December 2024]   pdf
Effectiveness of a team-level participatory approach aimed at improving sustainable employability among long-term care workers: a randomized controlled trial
Ceciel H Heijkants CH, Madelon LM van Hooff MLM, Astrid de Wind A, Sabine AE Geurts SAE, Boot CRL
Opinion 2019;45(5):514-519   pdf full text
Health and prolonging working lives: an advisory report of the Health Council of The Netherlands
van der Mark-Reeuwijk KG, Weggemans RM, Bültmann U, Burdorf A, Deeg DJH, Geuskens GA, Henkens KCJIM, Kant I, de Lange A, Lindeboom M, van Rhenen W, van der Beek AJ
Original article 2017;43(4):337-349   pdf full text
Exercise to reduce work-related fatigue among employees: a randomized controlled trial
de Vries JD, van Hooff MLM, Geurts SAE, Kompier MAJ
Original article 2007;33(2):105-113   pdf
Health effects of transitions in work schedule, workhours and overtime in a prospective cohort study
De Raeve L, Jansen NWH, Kant I