Key term: measurement error

Original article 2018;44(2):163-170   pdf full text
Is self-reported time spent sedentary and in physical activity differentially biased by age, gender, body mass index, and low-back pain?
Gupta N, Heiden M, Mathiassen SE, Holtermann A
Sessions on the epidemiology of agricultural exposure and cancer 2005;31 suppl 1:33-39   pdf
Effects of errors in the measurement of agricultural exposures
Kromhout H, Heederik D
Original article 2000;26(1):37-43   pdf
Biases in estimating the effect of cumulative exposure in log-linear models when estimated exposure levels are assigned
Steenland K, Deddens JA, Zhao S
Original article 1996;22(2):94-101   pdf
Maximizing accuracy and precision using individual and grouped exposure assessments
Seixas NS, Sheppard L