Key term: mood disorder

Original article 2023;49(5):330-340   pdf full text
Association of persistent pain with the incidence of chronic conditions following a disabling work-related injury
Dobson KG, Mustard CA, Carnide N, Furlan AD, Smith PM
Original article 2022;48(3):200-209   pdf full text
Night-shift work and psychiatric treatment. A follow-up study among employees in Denmark
Albertsen K, Hannerz H, Nielsen ML, Garde AH
Original article 2021;47(3):191-199   pdf full text
Long working hours and psychiatric treatment: A Danish follow-up study
Hannerz H, Albertsen K, Nielsen ML, Garde AH
Original article 2017;43(4):316-325   pdf full text
A life course perspective on mental health problems, employment, and work outcomes
Veldman K, Reijneveld SA, Verhulst FC, Ortiz JA, Bültmann U
Original article 2016;42(5):413-422   pdf full text
The relationship between chronic conditions and absenteeism and associated costs in Canada
Zhang W, McLeod CB, Koehoorn M
Original article 2015;41(6):554-564   pdf full text
The impact of co-morbid mental and physical disorders on presenteeism
Bielecky A, Chen C, Ibrahim S, Beaton DE, Mustard CA, Smith PM
Short communication 2011;37(5):446-449   pdf
Does outdoor work during the winter season protect against depression and mood difficulties?
Hahn IH, Grynderup MB, Dalsgaard SB, Thomsen JF, Hansen ÅM, Kærgaard A, Kærlev L, Mors O, Rugulies R, Mikkelsen S, Bonde JP, Kolstad HA
Original article 2009;35(4):294-300   pdf
Work-relatedness of mood disorders in Denmark
Hannerz H, Tüchsen F, Holbæk Pedersen B, Dyreborg J, Rugulies R, Albertsen K