Original article2024;50(6):456-465
pdf full text Does job stress mediate the risk of work disability due to common mental disorders among social workers compared with other health and social care, education, and non-human service professionals? A prospective cohort study of public sector employees in Finland
pdf full text Job strain and effort-reward imbalance as risk factors for type 2 diabetes mellitus: A systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective studies
pdf full text Is job strain associated with a higher risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus? A systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies
Original article2021;47(1):70-77
pdf full text Exposure to psychosocial work strain and changes in smoking behavior during pregnancy – a longitudinal study within the Danish National Birth Cohort
Original article2020;46(5):542-551
pdf full text Psychosocial work exposures of the job strain model and cardiovascular mortality in France: results from the STRESSJEM prospective study
Original article2020;46(5):498-507
pdf full text Persistent and changing job strain and risk of coronary heart disease. A population-based cohort study of 1.6 million employees in Denmark
Original article2020;46(5):488-497
pdf full text Psychosocial working characteristics before retirement and depressive symptoms across the retirement transition: a longitudinal latent class analysis
Letter to the Editor2019;45(2):209-210
pdf full text Positive association between job decision authority and systolic blood pressure: a statistical artifact?
Original article2018;44(6):601-612
pdf full text Association between demand–control model components and blood pressure in the ELSA-Brasil study: exploring heterogeneity using quantile regression analyses
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