Discussion paper2024;50(5):317-328
pdf full text What have we learned about risk assessment and interventions to prevent work-related musculoskeletal disorders and support work participation?
Original article2024;50(6):437-446
pdf full text Implemented disability-related policies and practices and sustained employment of partially disabled employees: evidence from linked survey and register data
Original article2023;49(8):588-597
pdf full text Impact of a Finnish reform adding new sickness absence checkpoints on rehabilitation and labor market outcomes: an interrupted time series analysis
Original article2023;49(7):466-476
pdf full text The effects of a national, voluntary agreement for a more inclusive working life on work participation following long-term sickness absence: a Norwegian cohort study
Original article2023;49(1):23-32
pdf full text Working life expectancy and working years lost among users of part- and full-time sickness absence in Finland
pdf full text Towards a better understanding of work participation among employees with common mental health problems: a systematic realist review
Original article2021;47(6):435-445
pdf The contribution of employer characteristics to continued employment of employees with residual work capacity: evidence from register data in The Netherlands
Original article2019;45(6):651-660
pdf full text The effectiveness of vocational rehabilitation on work participation: a propensity score matched analysis using nationwide register data
Original article2017;43(5):447-456
pdf full text Legislative change enabling use of early part-time sick leave enhanced return to work and work participation in Finland
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