Key term: long work hour

Original article 2021;47(3):200-207   pdf full text
Effect of long work hours and shift work on high-sensitivity C-reactive protein levels among Korean workers
Lee W, Kang S-K, Choi W-J
Review 2013;39(3):241-258   pdf full text
Psychosocial factors at work, long work hours, and obesity: a systematic review
Solovieva S, Lallukka T, Virtanen M, Viikari-Juntura E
Original article 2012;38(5):418-426   pdf
With long hours of work, might depression then lurk? A nationwide prospective follow-up study among Danish senior medical consultants
Varma A, Marott JL, Stoltenberg CDG, Wieclaw J, Kolstad HA, Bonde JP