Key term: letter

Letter to the Editor 2022;48(7):586-587   pdf full text
Occupation and SARS-CoV-2 infection risk among workers during the first pandemic wave in Germany: potential for bias
van Tongeren M, Rhodes S, Pearce N
Author's reply 2021;47(1):87-89   pdf full text
Authors’ response: Mezei et al's "Comments on a recent case-control study of malignant mesothelioma of the pericardium and the tunica vaginalis testis"
Marinaccio A, Consonni D, Mensi C, Mirabelli D, Migliore E, Magnani C, Di Marzio D, Gennaro V, Mazzoleni G, Paolo Girardi P, Negro C, Romanelli A, Chellini E, Grappasonni I, Madeo G, Romeo E, Ascoli V, Carrozza F, Angelillo IF, Cavone D, Tumino R, Melis M, Curti S, Brandi G, Mattioli S, Iavicoli S; ReNaM Working Group
Letter to the Editor 2021;47(1):85-86   pdf full text
Comments on a recent case-control study of malignant mesothelioma of the pericardium and the tunica vaginalis testis
Mezei G, Chang ET, Mowat FS, Moolgavkar SH
Letter to the Editor 2019;45(4):423-424   pdf full text
Binding occupational exposure limits for carcinogens in the EU – necessary but not sufficient to reduce risk
Cherrie JW
Letter to the Editor 2019;45(4):421-422   pdf full text
Determining an optimal minimum number of subjects in each occupation for a job exposure matrix (JEM) using self-reported data: a missing test
Choi BK
Letter to the Editor 2018;44(1):108-110   pdf full text
Response to letter to the editor from Dr Rahman Shiri: The challenging topic of suicide across occupational groups
Niedhammer I, Milner A, Witt K, Klingelschmidt J, Khireddine-Medouni I, Alexopoulos EC, Toivanen S, Chastang J-F, LaMontagne AD
Letter to the Editor 2018;44(1):106-107   pdf full text
Suicide among agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers
Shiri R
Letter to the Editor 2017;43(3):287-288   pdf full text
Ocular ultraviolet radiation exposure of welders
Tenkate TD
Letter to the Editor 2017;43(1):96-96   pdf full text
Response to Dr Stevens’ letter ref. Visitisen et al: “Short-term effects of night shift work on breast cancer risk: a cohort study of payroll data”
Kolstad HA, Garde AH, Hansen ÅM, Frydenberg M, Christiansen P, Vistisen HT, Bonde JPE
Letter to the Editor 2017;43(1):95-95   pdf full text
Letter in reference to: “Short-term effects of night shift work on breast cancer risk: a cohort study of payroll data”
Stevens RG
Letter to the Editor 2016;42(3):251-255   pdf full text
Methodological and conceptual issues regarding occupational psychosocial coronary heart disease epidemiology
Burr H, Formazin M, Pohrt A