Key term: work-life balance

Original article 2020;46(5):469-479   pdf full text
The mediating effect of work-life interference on the relationship between work-time control and depressive and musculoskeletal symptoms
Albrecht SC, Kecklund G, Leineweber C
Original article 2018;44(3):303-311   pdf
Relationship between parents’ occupational characteristics and untreated dental caries in offspring: A population-based study of data from the Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2008–2015
Lim S-S, Kim B, Yoon J-H, Song JS, Park E-C, Jang S-I
Original article 2015;41(4):347-355   pdf full text
Worktime control access, need and use in relation to work-home interference, fatigue, and job motivation
Nijp HH, Beckers DGJ, Kompier MAJ, van den Bossche SNJ, Geurts SAE