Key term: physical activity

Original article 2020;46(3):293-301   pdf full text
Shift work and physical inactivity: findings from the Finnish Public Sector Study with objective working hour data
Cheng W-J, Härmä M, Ropponen A, Karhula K, Koskinen A, Oksanen T
Original article 2020;46(3):268-277   pdf full text
Acute myocardial infarction in relation to physical activities at work: a nationwide follow-up study based on job-exposure matrices
Bonde JPE, Flachs EM, Madsen IEH, Petersen SB, Andersen JH, Hansen J, Jørgensen EB, Kolstad H, Holtermann A, Schlünssen V, Svendsen SW
Review 2019;45(6):533-545   pdf full text
Psychosocial effects of workplace exercise – A systematic review
Bordado Sköld M, Bayattork M, Andersen LL, Schlünssen V
Original article 2019;45(5):483-492   pdf full text
A cluster randomized controlled trial to reduce office workers’ sitting time: effect on productivity outcomes
Peterman JE, Healy GN, Winkler EAH, Moodie M, Eakin EG, Lawler SP, Owen N, Dunstan DW, LaMontagne AD
Original article 2019;45(5):493-504   pdf full text
Effects of a multicomponent physical activity promoting program on sedentary behavior, physical activity and body measures: a longitudinal study in different office types
Wahlström V, Bergman F, Öhberg F, Eskilsson T, Olsson T, Järvholm LS
Original article 2019;45(4):376-385   pdf full text
Does increasing physical activity reduce the excess risk of work disability among overweight individuals?
Ervasti J, Airaksinen J, Pentti J, Vahtera J, Suominen S, Virtanen M, Kivimäki M
Original article 2019;45(3):267-279   pdf full text
Occupational and leisure-time physical activity differentially predict 6-year incidence of stroke and transient ischemic attack in women
Hall C, Heck JE, Sandler DP, Ritz B, Chen H, Krause N
Review 2018;44(6):568-584   pdf full text
Group-based healthy lifestyle workplace interventions for shift workers: a systematic review
Demou E, MacLean A, Cheripelli LJ, Hunt K, Gray CM
Discussion paper 2019;45(1):90-97   pdf full text
Promoting health and physical capacity during productive work: the Goldilocks Principle
Holtermann A, Mathiassen SE, Straker L
Original article 2018;44(3):265-273   pdf
Objectively measured physical activity of hospital shift workers
Loef B, van der Beek AJ, Holtermann A, Hulsegge G, van Baarle D, Proper KI
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