Key term: part-time work

Original article 2023;49(4):271-282   pdf full text
Trajectories of marginal part-time work and risk of depression. Does job or income insecurity mediate the relation?
Nielsen HB, Kirchheiner-Rasmussen J, Dyreborg J, Larsen AD, Madsen IEH, Pedersen J, Garde AH
Letter to the Editor 2019;45(1):100-100   pdf full text
Authors' response to "Multiple-job holding is not a type of precarious employment"
Koranyi I, Jonsson J, Rönnblad T, Stockfelt L, Bodin T
Editorial 2018;44(4):335-339   pdf full text
Precarious employment and occupational injuries in the digital age ‒ where should we go from here?
Marucci-Wellman H
Review 2018;44(4):341-350   pdf full text
Precarious employment and occupational accidents and injuries – a systematic review
Koranyi I, Jonsson J, Rönnblad T, Stockfelt L, Bodin T
Original article 2014;40(4):370-379   pdf full text
Full- and part-time work: gender and welfare-type differences in European working conditions, job satisfaction, health status, and psychosocial issues
Bartoll X, Cortès I, Artazcoz L
Original article 2003;29(1):15-21   pdf
Influence of lack of full-time employment on attempted suicide in Manitoba, Canada
Kraut A, Walld R
Invited paper 1998;24 suppl 3:13-17   pdf
Innovative worktime arrangements
Knauth P