Original article[online first; 19 February 2025]Cost analysis comparing guideline-oriented biopsychosocial management to usual care for low-back pain: a cluster-randomized trial in occupational health primary care.Paukkunen M et.al.
Original article[online first; 22 January 2025]Effects of a workplace participatory approach to support working caregivers in balancing work, private life and informal care: a randomized controlled trial.Vos EE et.al.
Original article[online first; 15 January 2025]Organizational strategies of eldercare work and health – Is the daily number of residents cared for over 14 months associated with back pain?.Wester CT et.al.
Original article2025;51(2):68-76Short- and long-term health effects of job insecurity. Fixed effects panel analysis of German data.Mikucka M, Arránz Becker O, Wolf C
Original article2025;51(2):89-99Memory function and early exit from paid employment through different pathways among ageing European workers.Ciliacus R et.al.
Original article2025;51(2):111-118Gender differences in occupational hazard exposures within the same occupation: A nationally representative analysis in South Korea.Lee G et.al.
Original article2025;51(2):119-129Development of a gender-specific European job exposure matrix (EuroJEM) for physical workload and its validation against musculoskeletal pain.Solovieva S et.al.
Original article2025;51(1):26-37Multidimensional employment trajectories and dynamic links with mental health: Evidence from the UK Household Longitudinal Study.Balogh R et.al.
Original article2025;51(1):38-47The consequences of after-hours work: a fixed-effect study of burnout, pain, detachment and work–home conflict among Norwegian workers.Bernstrøm VH, Ingelsrud M, Nilsen W
Short communication2025;51(1):48-52Prevention of hypertension due to long working hours and other work hazards is needed to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.Landsbergis P et.al.
Review2024;50(8):588-601Differential attrition and engagement in randomized controlled trials of occupational mental health interventions in person and online: A systematic review and meta-analysis.de Miquel C et.al.
Original article2024;50(8):602-612Associations between bioaerosols, lung function work-shift changes and inflammatory markers: A study of recycling workers.Hansen KK et.al.
Original article2024;50(8):622-630Facilitators and barriers for working beyond statutory pension age: A prospective cohort study across 26 European countries.Andersen LL et.al.
Original article2024;50(8):631-640Work-family conflicts and sickness absence due to mental disorders among female municipal employees – a register-linked study comparing health and social care employees to employees in other sectors.Harkko J et.al.
Original article2024;50(8):641-652In or out of reach? Long-term trends in the reach of health assessments in the Swedish occupational setting.Ekblom-Bak E et.al.
Review2024;50(7):503-518The association between long working hours, shift work, and suicidal ideation: A systematic review and meta-analyses.Kim J et.al.
Original article2024;50(7):519-526Impact of work–life interference on burnout and job discontent: A one-year follow-up study of physicians in Sweden.Gynning BE et.al.
Original article2024;50(7):527-535Do return-to-work trajectories differ by mental disorder diagnosis? A register study among 37 523 Dutch workers.Vendelbosch R et.al.
Original article2024;50(7):536-544Associations of night shift work with weight gain among female nurses in The Netherlands: results of a prospective cohort study.van Duijne HM et.al.
Original article2024;50(7):555-566The effectiveness of a dynamic seat cushion in preventing neck and low-back pain among high-risk office workers: a 6-month cluster-randomized controlled trial.Channak S et.al.
Discussion paper2024;50(6):395-405Fifty years of research on psychosocial working conditions and health: From promise to practice.Boot CRL, LaMontagne AD, Madsen IEH
Original article2024;50(6):437-446Implemented disability-related policies and practices and sustained employment of partially disabled employees: evidence from linked survey and register data.van Ooijen R et.al.
Original article2024;50(6):456-465Does job stress mediate the risk of work disability due to common mental disorders among social workers compared with other health and social care, education, and non-human service professionals? A prospective cohort study of public sector employees in Finland.Rantonen O et.al.
Original article2024;50(6):466-474Quick returns, sleep, sleepiness and stress – An intra-individual field study on objective sleep and diary data.Öster K et.al.
Original article2024;50(6):475-484The independent and interactive effects of changes in overtime and night shifts during the COVID-19 pandemic on burnout among nurses: a longitudinal study.Giusti EM et.al.
Discussion paper2024;50(5):317-328What have we learned about risk assessment and interventions to prevent work-related musculoskeletal disorders and support work participation?.Kuijer PPFM et.al.
Original article2024;50(5):341-350The “sweet- and sour-spot” of occupational physical activity for back pain: a prospective accelerometer study among eldercare workers.Kyriakidis S et.al.
Original article2024;50(5):359-371Occupational exposure to organic solvents and the risk of developing testicular germ cell tumors (TESTIS study): Effect of combined exposure assessment on risk estimation.Guth M et.al.
Original article2024;50(5):372-379The asbestos–asbestosis exposure–response relationship: a cohort study of the general working population.Iversen IB et.al.
Original article2024;50(4):257-267Relationship between long working hours and smoking behaviors: Evidence from population-based cohort studies in Korea.Baek S-U et.al.
Original article2024;50(4):268-278Can psychosocial risk factors mediate the association between precarious employment and mental health problems in Sweden? Results from a register-based study.Méndez-Rivero F et.al.
Original article2024;50(4):279-289Does country of resettlement influence the risk of labor market marginalization among refugees? A cohort study in Sweden and Norway.Amin R et.al.
Original article2024;50(4):290-299Associations between precarious employment trajectories and mental health among older workers in Germany: Vertical and horizontal inequalities.Rohrbacher M, Hasselhorn HM, Matilla-Santander N
Original article2024;50(4):300-309The role of working conditions in educational differences in all-cause and ischemic heart disease mortality among Swedish men.Almroth M et.al.
Original article2024;50(3):142-151Night shift work and cardiovascular diseases among employees in Germany: five-year follow-up of the Gutenberg Health Study.Jankowiak S et.al.
Original article2024;50(3):158-167Perceived work stressors and the transition to burnout among nurses in response to the pandemic: implications for healthcare organizations.Giusti EM et.al.
Original article2024;50(3):168-177Education and pandemic SARS-CoV-2 infections in the German working population – the mediating role of working from home.Wachtler B et.al.
Original article2024;50(3):178-186Respirable crystalline silica and lung cancer in community-based studies: impact of job-exposure matrix specifications on exposure–response relationships.Ohlander J et.al.
Original article2024;50(3):197-207Effectiveness of a Goldilocks Work intervention in childcare workers – A cluster-randomized controlled trial.Schmidt KG et.al.
Original article2024;50(3):208-217The adequacy of workplace accommodation and the incidence of permanent employment separations after a disabling work injury or illness.Mustard CA et.al.
Original article2024;50(3):218-227Change in employment status and its causal effect on suicidal ideation and depressive symptoms: A marginal structural model with machine learning algorithms.Yoon J et.al.
Original article2024;50(2):61-72The labor market costs of work-related stress: A longitudinal study of 52 763 Danish employees using multi-state modeling.Pedersen J et.al.
Original article2024;50(2):73-82Global-, regional- and country-level estimates of the work-related burden of diseases and accidents in 2019.Takala J et.al.
Original article2024;50(2):73-82Global-, regional- and country-level estimates of the work-related burden of diseases and accidents in 2019.Takala J et.al.
Original article2024;50(2):96-102Effect of retirement on self-rated oral health and dental services use: longitudinal fixed-effects instrumental variable study in 31 countries.Baumeister S-E et.al.
Original article2024;50(2):103-112Ground reaction force as a factor responsible for the topography of injuries in professional dance. An analysis of three dance styles: classical dance, modern dance, and folk dance.Gorwa J, Nowakowska-Lipiec K, Michnik R
Short communication2024;50(2):122-128Impact of employment and income support interventions on the health of young adults with episodic disability: Findings from a systematic review.Jetha A et.al.
Original article2024;50(1):11-21Association of objectively measured lifting load with low-back pain, stress, and fatigue: A prospective cohort study.Bláfoss R et.al.
Original article2024;50(1):22-27The effect of a night shift nap on post-night shift performance, sleepiness, mood, and first recovery sleep: A randomized crossover trial.Patterson PD et.al.
Original article2024;50(1):39-48Parkinson’s disease and occupational exposure to organic solvents in Finland: a nationwide case-control study.Sallmén M et.al.
Original article2023;49(8):549-557Development and evaluation of the gender-specific CONSTANCES job exposure matrix for physical risk factors in France.Wuytack F et.al.
Original article2023;49(8):549-557Development and evaluation of the gender-specific CONSTANCES job exposure matrix for physical risk factors in France.Wuytack F et.al.
Original article2023;49(8):558-568Development and validation of a work-related risk score for upper-extremity musculoskeletal disorders in a French working population.Rapicault C et.al.
Original article2023;49(8):569-577Metabolic syndrome increases the risk for premature employment exit: A longitudinal study among 60 427 middle-aged and older workers from the Lifelines Cohort Study and Biobank.Runge K et.al.
Original article2023;49(8):578-587The impact of leisure-time physical activity and occupational physical activity on sickness absence. A prospective study among people with physically demanding jobs.Ketels M et.al.
Original article2023;49(8):588-597Impact of a Finnish reform adding new sickness absence checkpoints on rehabilitation and labor market outcomes: an interrupted time series analysis.Laaksonen M et.al.
Original article2023;49(8):598-609The impact of employment on mental healthcare use among people with disability: distinguishing between part- and full-time employment.Saxby K et.al.
Original article2023;49(8):610-620Predicting long-term sickness absence with employee questionnaires and administrative records: a prospective cohort study of hospital employees.Nyberg ST et.al.
Review2023;49(7):453-465Occupational mechanical exposures as risk factor for chronic low-back pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis.Jahn A et.al.
Original article2023;49(7):477-486Effectiveness of 'motivational interviewing' on sick leave: a randomized controlled trial in a social insurance setting.Aasdahl L et.al.
Original article2023;49(7):487-495The global health and economic impact of low-back pain attributable to occupational ergonomic factors in the working-age population by age, sex, geography in 2019.Chen N, Fong DYT, Wong JYH
Original article2023;49(7):496-505Trajectories of psychosocial working conditions and all-cause and cause-specific mortality: a Swedish register-based cohort study.Pan K-Y et.al.
Original article2023;49(7):506-517Multidimensional employment precariousness mediates the association between low educational attainment and poor subjective well-being: results from a nationwide cross-sectional study in South Korea.Baek S-U et.al.
Original article2023;49(6):367-374The impact of COVID-19 lockdown restrictions on the short-term association between in-vehicle particulate pollutants and the respiratory health of Parisian taxi drivers.Hachem M, Bensefa-Colas L, Momas I
Original article2023;49(6):375-385Associations between an international COVID-19 job exposure matrix and SARS-CoV-2 infection among 2 million workers in Denmark.van der Feltz S et.al.
Original article2023;49(6):386-394Occupational risks associated with severe COVID-19 disease and SARS-CoV-2 infection – a Swedish national case-control study conducted from October 2020 to December 2021.Torén K et.al.
Original article2023;49(6):395-404Gender-based harassment in Swedish workplaces and alcohol-related morbidity and mortality: A prospective cohort study.Blindow KJ et.al.
Original article2023;49(6):405-418Parental occupational exposure to solvents and risk of developing testicular germ cell tumors among sons: a French nationwide case-control study (TESTIS study).Guth M et.al.
Original article2023;49(6):419-427Cancer risks in a population-based study of agricultural workers: results from the Taiwan’s Farmers and Health Cohort study.Chen W-L et.al.
Original article2023;49(6):439-448Night and shift work patterns and incidence of type 2 diabetes and hypertension in a prospective cohort study of healthcare employees.Viklund A et.al.
Review2023;49(5):315-329How effective are organizational-level interventions in improving the psychosocial work environment, health, and retention of workers? A systematic overview of systematic reviews.Aust B et.al.
Original article2023;49(5):330-340Association of persistent pain with the incidence of chronic conditions following a disabling work-related injury.Dobson KG et.al.
Original article2023;49(5):341-349Burden of idiopathic inflammatory rheumatic diseases in occupational healthcare: increased absenteeism and healthcare resource utilization.Ukkola-Vuoti L et.al.
Original article2023;49(5):350-362Between-occupation differences in work-related COVID-19 mitigation strategies over time: Analysis of the Virus Watch Cohort in England and Wales.Beale S et.al.
Review2023;49(4):235-248How effective are interventions in optimizing workplace mental health and well-being? A scoping review of reviews and evidence map.Waddell A et.al.
Original article2023;49(4):249-258Psychosocial working conditions and sickness absence among younger employees in Denmark: a register-based cohort study using job exposure matrices.Sørensen JK et.al.
Original article2023;49(4):259-270The impact of occupational exposures on infection rates during the COVID-19 pandemic: a test-negative design study with register data of 207 034 Dutch workers.Eekhout I et.al.
Original article2023;49(4):271-282Trajectories of marginal part-time work and risk of depression. Does job or income insecurity mediate the relation?.Nielsen HB et.al.
Short communication2023;49(4):303-308Integrated mental healthcare and vocational rehabilitation for people on sick leave with stress-related disorders: 24-month follow-up of the randomized IBBIS trial.Hoff A et.al.
Original article2023;49(3):171-181Exploring the relationship between job characteristics and infection: Application of a COVID-19 job exposure matrix to SARS-CoV-2 infection data in the United Kingdom.Rhodes S et.al.
Original article2023;49(3):182-192Return-to-work rates and predictors of absence duration after COVID-19 over the course of the pandemic.Aben B, Kok RN, de Wind A
Original article2023;49(3):201-210Precarious employment at a young age and labor-market marginalization during middle-adulthood: A register-linked cohort study.Thern E et.al.
Original article2023;49(3):222-230Office design, telework from home, and self-certified sickness absence: A cross-sectional study of main and moderating effects in a nationally representative sample.Borge RH et.al.
Original article2023;49(2):108-116The association between the use of shift schedule evaluation tool with ergonomics recommendations and occupational injuries: A 4-year prospective cohort study among healthcare workers.Shiri R et.al.
Original article2023;49(2):136-144Do influence at work and possibilities for development mitigate the impact of job demands for workers with and without depression.Ots P et.al.
Original article2023;49(2):145-154Short and long-term associations between serum proteins linked to cardiovascular disease and particle exposure among constructions workers.Gliga AR et.al.
Original article2023;49(2):156-163Surgery for subacromial impingement syndrome and occupational biomechanical risk factors in a 16-year prospective study among male construction workers.Lewis C et.al.
Review2023;49(1):5-22Interventions for preventing back pain among office workers – a systematic review and network meta-analysis.Eisele-Metzger A et.al.
Original article2023;49(1):23-32Working life expectancy and working years lost among users of part- and full-time sickness absence in Finland.Hartikainen E et.al.
Original article2023;49(1):33-42The influence of onset of disease on exit from paid employment among workers in The Netherlands: A longitudinal register-based study with 9 years follow-up.Hijdra RW et.al.
Original article2023;49(1):64-74Workplace bullying, symptoms of anxiety and the interaction with leadership quality – a longitudinal study using dynamic panel models with fixed effects.Holmgren R et.al.
Original article2022;48(8):621-631Workplace psychosocial resources and risk of cardiovascular disease among employees: a multi-cohort study of 135 669 participants.Xu T et.al.
Original article2022;48(8):641-650Physical work demands and expected labor market affiliation (ELMA): Prospective cohort with register-follow-up among 46 169 employees.Pedersen J, Bjorner JB, Andersen LL
Original article2022;48(8):651-661Does occupational forward bending of the back increase long-term sickness absence risk? A 4-year prospective register-based study using device-measured compositional data analysis.Gupta N et.al.
Original article2022;48(8):662-671Does a change to an occupation with a lower physical workload reduce the risk of disability pension? A cohort study of employed men and women in Sweden.Badarin K et.al.
Short communication2022;48(8):672-677Occupational risk of COVID-19 across pandemic waves: a two-year national follow-up study of hospital admissions.Bonde JPE et.al.
Original article2022;48(7):520-529Night and shift work characteristics and incident ischemic heart disease and atrial fibrillation among healthcare employees – a prospective cohort study.Kader M et.al.
Original article2022;48(7):530-539Healthcare workers’ SARS-CoV-2 infection rates during the second wave of the pandemic: follow-up study.Würtz AM et.al.
Original article2022;48(7):540-548Lung cancer incidence among workers biologically monitored for occupational exposure to lead: a cohort study.Anttila A et.al.
Original article2022;48(7):560-568Chronic disorders, work-unit leadership quality and long-term sickness absence among 33 025 public hospital employees.Mehta AJ et.al.
Original article2022;48(7):569-578Social inequalities in early exit from employment in Germany: a causal mediation analysis on the role of work, health, and work ability.Rohrbacher M, Hasselhorn HM
Original article2022;48(6):425-434Workplace bullying and risk of suicide and suicide attempts: A register-based prospective cohort study of 98 330 participants in Denmark.Conway PM et.al.
Original article2022;48(6):446-456Occupation and SARS-CoV-2 infection risk among 108 960 workers during the first pandemic wave in Germany.Reuter M et.al.
Original article2022;48(6):457-467Changes in occupational well-being during COVID-19: the impact of age, gender, education, living alone, and telework in a Finnish four-wave population sample.Kaltiainen J, Hakanen J
Original article2022;48(6):468-478Effects of workplace measures against COVID-19 on psychological distress of full-time employees: A 12-month prospective study in the COVID-19 pandemic.Asaoka H et.al.
Original article2022;48(6):479-489Time trends in occupational exposure to chemicals in Sweden: proportion exposed, distribution across demographic and labor market strata, and exposure levels.Gustavsson P et.al.
Original article2022;48(6):490-497Associations between single and combined occupational mechanical exposures and surgery for subacromial impingement syndrome: a nationwide Danish cohort study.Dalbøge A et.al.
Original article2022;48(6):498-506The impact of vocational rehabilitation on employment outcomes: A regression discontinuity approach.Laaksonen M, Ilmakunnas I, Tuominen S
Review2022;48(5):327-350Precarious employment and migrant workers’ mental health: a systematic review of quantitative and qualitative studies.Koseoglu Ornek O et.al.
Original article2022;48(5):351-360Low-quality employment trajectories and the risk of common mental health disorders among individuals with Swedish and foreign background – a register-based cohort study.Pollack R et.al.
Original article2022;48(5):361-371Integrating vocational rehabilitation and mental healthcare to improve the return-to-work process for people on sick leave with stress-related disorders: results from a randomized trial.Hoff A et.al.
Original article2022;48(5):380-390Working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic and its longitudinal association with physical activity and sedentary behavior.Loef B et.al.
Review2022;48(4):253-263Can we distinguish the roles of demographic and temporal changes in the incidence and prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders? A systematic review.Bouziri H et.al.
Original article2022;48(4):264-272Economic evaluation of return-to-work interventions for mental disorder-related sickness absence: two years follow-up of a randomized clinical trial.Finnes A et.al.
Original article2022;48(4):283-292Changes in health among 45–64-year-old Dutch persons before, during and after becoming unemployed or employed: a seven year follow-up study.van de Ven D et.al.
Original article2022;48(4):293-301Perceived job insecurity and risk of suicide and suicide attempts: a study of men and women in the Swedish working population.Blomqvist S et.al.
Original article2022;48(4):302-311Emotional demands at work and risk of hospital-treated depressive disorder in up to 1.6 million Danish employees: a prospective nationwide register-based cohort study.Madsen IEH et.al.
Review2022;48(3):173-189Towards a better understanding of work participation among employees with common mental health problems: a systematic realist review.van Hees SGM et.al.
Original article2022;48(3):190-199Associations of combining paid work and family care with gender-specific differences in depressive symptoms among older workers and the role of work characteristics.Bijnsdorp FM et.al.
Original article2022;48(3):210-219Cancer incidence in sites potentially related to occupational exposures: 58 years of follow-up of firefighters in the Norwegian Fire Departments Cohort.Marjerrison N et.al.
Original article2022;48(3):220-228Short-term effectiveness of face-to-face periodic occupational health screening versus electronic screening with targeted follow-up: results from a quasi-randomized controlled trial in four Belgian hospitals.Steel JS, Godderis L, Luyten J
Original article2022;48(3):229-238Evaluating effectiveness of an integrated return-to-work and vocational rehabilitation program on work disability duration in the construction sector.Macpherson RA et.al.
Original article2022;48(3):239-247Occupational stress and pregnancy-related hypertension and diabetes: Results from a nationwide prospective cohort.Lissåker C et.al.
Review2022;48(2):86-98Physical activity at work may not be health enhancing. A systematic review with meta-analysis on the association between occupational physical activity and cardiovascular disease mortality covering 23 studies with 655 892 participants.Cillekens B et.al.
Original article2022;48(2):99-108Working at home and expectations of being available: effects on perceived work environment, turnover intentions, and health.Knardahl S, Christensen JO
Original article2022;48(2):109-117Differential impact of working hours on unmet medical needs by income level: a longitudinal study of Korean workers.Lee D-W et.al.
Original article2022;48(2):118-126Trajectories of disability throughout early life and labor force status as a young adult: Results from the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children.Shields M et.al.
Original article2022;48(2):137-147How does accelerometry-measured arm elevation at work influence prospective risk of long-term sickness absence?.Gupta N et.al.
Original article2022;48(2):148-157Associations of employment sector and occupational exposures with full and part-time sickness absence: random and fixed effects analyses on panel data.Hartikainen E et.al.
Discussion paper2022;48(2):158-168Global, regional and national burden of disease attributable to 19 selected occupational risk factors for 183 countries, 2000–2016: A systematic analysis from the WHO/ILO Joint Estimates of the Work-related Burden of Disease and Injury.Pega F et.al.
Review2022;48(1):5-20Job strain and effort-reward imbalance as risk factors for type 2 diabetes mellitus: A systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective studies.Pena-Gralle APB et.al.
Original article2022;48(1):31-40Night and shift work and incidence of cerebrovascular disease – a prospective cohort study of healthcare employees in Stockholm.Bigert C et.al.
Original article2022;48(1):41-51Changes in melatonin and sex steroid hormone production among men as a result of rotating night shift work – the HORMONIT study.Harding BN et.al.
Original article2022;48(1):52-60COVID-19 mortality across occupations and secondary risks for elderly individuals in the household: A population register-based study.Billingsley S et.al.
Original article2022;48(1):61-70Exposure to a SARS-CoV-2 infection at work: development of an international job exposure matrix (COVID-19-JEM).Oude Hengel KM et.al.
Original article2022;48(1):61-70Exposure to a SARS-CoV-2 infection at work: development of an international job exposure matrix (COVID-19-JEM).Oude Hengel KM et.al.
Original article2022;48(1):71-80Screening for cognitive impairment among patients with work-related stress complaints in Denmark: validation and evaluation of objective and self-report tools.Jensen JH et.al.
Review2021;47(8):565-581Associations of working conditions and chronic low-grade inflammation among employees: a systematic review and meta-analysis.Kaltenegger HC et.al.
Original article2021;47(8):609-618Are resident handlings in eldercare wards associated with musculoskeletal pain and sickness absence among the workers? A prospective study based on onsite observations.Januario LB et.al.
Review2021;47(7):489-508Psychosocial work exposures and health outcomes: a meta-review of 72 literature reviews with meta-analysis.Niedhammer I, Bertrais S, Witt K
Original article2021;47(7):509-520Low-quality employment trajectories and risk of common mental disorders, substance use disorders and suicide attempt: a longitudinal study of the Swedish workforce.Jonsson J et.al.
Original article2021;47(7):531-539Aluminum dust exposure and risk of neurodegenerative diseases in a cohort of male miners in Ontario, Canada.Zeng X et.al.
Discussion paper2021;47(7):550-560Working life, health and well-being of parents: a joint effort to uncover hidden treasures in European birth cohorts.Ubalde-Lopez M et.al.
Original article2021;47(6):425-434Association of managerial position with cardiovascular risk factors: A fixed-effects analysis for Japanese employees.Ikesu R et.al.
Original article2021;47(6):435-445The contribution of employer characteristics to continued employment of employees with residual work capacity: evidence from register data in The Netherlands.van Ooijen R et.al.
Original article2021;47(6):446-455The acute effects of working time patterns on fatigue and sleep quality using daily measurements of 6195 observations among 223 shift workers.van de Ven et.al.
Original article2021;47(6):456-465Reducing employee turnover in hospitals: estimating the effects of hypothetical improvements in the psychosocial work environment.Mathisen J et.al.
Short communication2021;47(6):475-481Application of two job indices for general occupational demands in a pooled analysis of case–control studies on lung cancer.Hovanec J et.al.
Original article2021;47(5):335-348Occupational trajectories of working conditions in Sweden: Development trends in the workforce, 1997–2015.Corin L et.al.
Original article2021;47(5):356-366Efficacy of intermittent exposure to bright light for treating maladaptation to night work on a counterclockwise shift work rotation.Lammers-van der Holst HM et.al.
Original article2021;47(5):367-376Effectiveness of training in guideline-oriented biopsychosocial management of low-back pain in occupational health services – a cluster randomized controlled trial.Ryynänen K et.al.
Original article2021;47(5):377-386Dysuria, heat stress, and muscle injury among Nicaraguan sugarcane workers at risk for Mesoamerican nephropathy.Stallings TL et.al.
Original article2021;47(5):395-403Patterns of working hour characteristics and risk of sickness absence among shift-working hospital employees: a data-mining cohort study.Rosenström T et.al.
Original article2021;47(3):181-190Shift work, work time control, and informal caregiving as risk factors for sleep disturbances in an ageing municipal workforce.Virtanen M et.al.
Original article2021;47(3):208-216The influence of chronic diseases and multimorbidity on entering paid employment among unemployed persons – a longitudinal register-based study.Yildiz B, Burdorf A, Schuring M
Original article2021;47(3):217-223Industry mobility and disability benefits in heavy manual jobs: A cohort study of Swedish construction workers.Söderberg M et.al.
Original article2021;47(3):224-232Effects of changes in early retirement policies on labor force participation: the differential effects for vulnerable groups.Oude Hengel KM et.al.
Original article2021;47(2):108-116Non-standard employment and mortality in Belgian workers: A census-based investigation.Balogh R, Gadeyne S, Vanroelen C
Original article2021;47(2):117-126Exploring multidimensional operationalizations of precarious employment in Swedish register data – a typological approach and a summative score approach.Jonsson J et.al.
Original article2021;47(2):127-135Working conditions and health behavior as causes of educational inequalities in self-rated health: an inverse odds weighting approach.Schram JLD et.al.
Original article2021;47(2):154-162Breast cancer among Danish women occupationally exposed to diesel exhaust and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, 1964–2016.Pedersen JE et.al.
Original article2021;47(1):5-14The influence of occupational class and physical workload on working life expectancy among older employees.Schram JLD et.al.
Original article2021;47(1):15-21Work factors facilitating working beyond state pension age: Prospective cohort study with register follow-up.Andersen LL et.al.
Original article2021;47(1):62-69Respiratory health effects of the fiberglass-reinforced plastic lamination process in the yacht-building industry.Chen C-H et.al.
Original article2020;46(6):609-617Association between asbestos exposure and pericardial and tunica vaginalis testis malignant mesothelioma: a case–control study and epidemiological remarks.Marinaccio A et.al.
Original article2020;46(6):618-629Upper-extremity musculoskeletal disorders: how many cases can be prevented? Estimates from the COSALI cohort.Nambiema A et.al.
Short communication2020;46(6):639-644The deterioration of mental health among healthcare workers during the COVID-19 outbreak: A population-based cohort study of workers in Japan.Sasaki N et.al.
Original article2020;46(5):469-479The mediating effect of work-life interference on the relationship between work-time control and depressive and musculoskeletal symptoms.Albrecht SC, Kecklund G, Leineweber C
Original article2020;46(5):488-497Psychosocial working characteristics before retirement and depressive symptoms across the retirement transition: a longitudinal latent class analysis.Åhlin JK et.al.
Original article2020;46(5):498-507Persistent and changing job strain and risk of coronary heart disease. A population-based cohort study of 1.6 million employees in Denmark.Rugulies R et.al.
Original article2020;46(5):516-524The mediating role of sleep, physical activity, and diet in the association between shift work and respiratory infections.Loef B et.al.
Original article2020;46(5):542-551Psychosocial work exposures of the job strain model and cardiovascular mortality in France: results from the STRESSJEM prospective study.Niedhammer I et.al.
Review2020;46(4):339-349Work-related exposure to violence or threats and risk of mental disorders and symptoms: a systematic review and meta-analysis.Rudkjoebing LA et.al.
Original article2020;46(4):392-401How leadership behaviors influence the effects of job predictability and perceived employability on employee mental health – a multilevel, prospective study.Fløvik L, Knardahl S, Christensen JO
Review2020;46(3):235-247What is precarious employment? A systematic review of definitions and operationalizations from quantitative and qualitative studies.Kreshpaj B et.al.
Original article2020;46(3):248-258Applying two general population job exposure matrices to predict incident carpal tunnel syndrome: A cross-national approach to improve estimation of workplace physical exposures.Yung M et.al.
Original article2020;46(3):259-267Influence of errors in job codes on job exposure matrix-based exposure assessment in the register-based occupational cohort DOC*X.Petersen SB et.al.
Original article2020;46(3):268-277Acute myocardial infarction in relation to physical activities at work: a nationwide follow-up study based on job-exposure matrices.Bonde JPE et.al.
Original article2020;46(3):278-292Predicting residential radon concentrations in Finland: Model development, validation, and application to childhood leukemia.Nikkilä A et.al.
Original article2020;46(3):293-301Shift work and physical inactivity: findings from the Finnish Public Sector Study with objective working hour data.Cheng W-J et.al.
Original article2020;46(3):302-310Do gender and psychosocial job stressors modify the relationship between disability and sickness absence: An investigation using 12 waves of a longitudinal cohort.Milner A et.al.
Review2020;46(2):127-142Health economic evaluations of interventions to increase physical activity and decrease sedentary behavior at the workplace: a systematic review.Lutz N et.al.
Original article2020;46(2):218-227Multimorbidity is common among young workers and related to increased work absenteeism and presenteeism: results from the population–based Raine Study cohort.Troelstra SA et.al.
Review2020;46(1):19-31Psychosocial work stressors and risk of all-cause and coronary heart disease mortality: A systematic review and meta-analysis.Taouk Y et.al.
Original article2020;46(1):32-42Correction of bias in self-reported sitting time among office workers – a study based on compositional data analysis.Coenen P et.al.
Original article2020;46(1):77-84Educational differences in duration of working life and loss of paid employment: working life expectancy in The Netherlands.Robroek SJW et.al.
Original article2020;46(1):85-95Key factors for successful implementation of the National Rollover Protection Structure Rebate Program: A correlation analysis using the consolidated framework for implementation research.Tinc PJ et.al.
Original article2020;46(1):96-104Heme oxygenase 1 polymorphism, occupational vapor, gas, dust, and fume exposure and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in a Danish population-based study.Würtz ET et.al.
Review2019;45(6):560-576Effectiveness of occupational e-mental health interventions: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.Phillips EA, Gordeev VS, Schreyögg J
Original article2019;45(6):588-599A case-crossover study of heat exposure and injury risk among outdoor construction workers in Washington State.Calkins MM et.al.
Original article2019;45(6):600-609Glyphosate use and associations with non-Hodgkin lymphoma major histological sub-types: findings from the North American Pooled Project.Pahwa M et.al.
Original article2019;45(6):622-630The role of occupational class on the association between sickness absence and disability pension: A Swedish register-based twin study.Helgadóttir B et.al.
Original article2019;45(6):631-641The impact of national guidelines covering moving and handling of people on injury rates and related costs.Lidegaard M et.al.
Original article2019;45(6):651-660The effectiveness of vocational rehabilitation on work participation: a propensity score matched analysis using nationwide register data.Leinonen T et.al.
Original article2019;45(5):458-464Association between shift work and suicidal ideation: data from the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2008–2016).Kim KK et.al.
Original article2019;45(5):465-474Associations between shift work and use of prescribed medications for the treatment of hypertension, diabetes, and dyslipidemia: a prospective cohort study.Tucker P et.al.
Original article2019;45(5):483-492A cluster randomized controlled trial to reduce office workers’ sitting time: effect on productivity outcomes.Peterman JE et.al.
Original article2019;45(5):493-504Effects of a multicomponent physical activity promoting program on sedentary behavior, physical activity and body measures: a longitudinal study in different office types.Wahlström V et.al.
Review2019;45(4):324-332Effectiveness of psychological and educational interventions for the prevention of depression in the workplace: A systematic review and meta-analysis.Bellón JÁ et.al.
Review2019;45(4):333-345Fatigue and risk of sickness absence in the working population: A systematic review and meta-analysis of longitudinal studies.Sagherian K et.al.
Original article2019;45(4):346-355The contribution of health to educational inequalities in exit from paid employment in five European regions.Schuring M et.al.
Original article2019;45(4):356-369The Danish Psychosocial Work Environment Questionnaire (DPQ): Development, content, reliability and validity.Clausen T et.al.
Original article2019;45(4):376-385Does increasing physical activity reduce the excess risk of work disability among overweight individuals?.Ervasti J et.al.
Original article2019;45(3):239-247Mechanical and psychosocial work exposures: the construction and evaluation of a gender-specific job exposure matrix (JEM).Hanvold TN et.al.
Original article2019;45(3):267-279Occupational and leisure-time physical activity differentially predict 6-year incidence of stroke and transient ischemic attack in women.Hall C et.al.
Original article2019;45(3):289-297Labor market affiliation after deployment: Danish soldiers fare well, but face increased risk of long-term sickness absence when returning from Afghanistan.Elrond A et.al.
Review2019;45(2):103-113Systematic literature review on the effects of occupational safety and health (OSH) interventions at the workplace.Andersen JH et.al.
Review2019;45(2):114-125The contribution of work and lifestyle factors to socioeconomic inequalities in self-rated health ‒ a systematic review.Dieker ACM et.al.
Original article2019;45(2):126-133Bi-directional relation between effort‒reward imbalance and risk of neck-shoulder pain: assessment of mediation through depressive symptoms using occupational longitudinal data.Halonen JI et.al.
Original article2019;45(2):146-157Participatory organizational intervention for improved use of assistive devices in patient transfer: a single-blinded cluster randomized controlled trial.Jakobsen MD et.al.
Original article2019;45(2):166-173Short time between shifts and risk of injury among Danish hospital workers: a register-based cohort study.Nielsen HB et.al.
Original article2019;45(2):174-182Risk of childhood asthma following prenatal exposure to negative life events and job stressors: A nationwide register-based study in Denmark.Liu X et.al.
Original article2019;45(2):183-193Exposure to loud noise and risk of vestibular schwannoma: results from the INTERPHONE international case‒control study.Deltour I et.al.
Short communication2019;45(2):203-208Early part-time sick leave results in considerable savings in social security costs at national level: an analysis based on a quasi-experiment in Finland.Viikari-Juntura E et.al.
Original article2019;45(1):42-52The impact of workplace ergonomics and neck-specific exercise versus ergonomics and health promotion interventions on office worker productivity: A cluster-randomized trial.Pereira M et.al.
Original article2019;45(1):53-62Longitudinal associations between organizational change, work-unit social capital, and employee exit from the work unit among public healthcare workers: a mediation analysis.Jensen JH et.al.
Original article2019;45(1):63-72Occupational biomechanical risk factors for surgically treated ulnar nerve entrapment in a prospective study of male construction workers.Jackson JA et.al.
Original article2019;45(1):82-89Non-occupational exposure to asbestos is the main cause of malignant mesothelioma in women in North Jutland, Denmark.Panou V et.al.
Review2018;44(6):585-600Otoacoustic emissions versus audiometry in monitoring hearing loss after long-term noise exposure – a systematic review.Helleman HW et.al.
Original article2018;44(6):601-612Association between demand–control model components and blood pressure in the ELSA-Brasil study: exploring heterogeneity using quantile regression analyses.Juvanhol LL et.al.
Original article2018;44(6):639-646Labor market and health trajectories during periods of economic recession and expansion in the United States, 1988‒2011.Fan JK et.al.
Original article2018;44(6):658-669Parental occupational exposure to solvents and heavy metals and risk of developing testicular germ cell tumors in sons (NORD-TEST Denmark).Olsson A et.al.
Review2018;44(5):458-474Productivity estimation in economic evaluations of occupational health and safety interventions: a systematic review.Steel J, Godderis L, Luyten J
Original article2018;44(5):503-511Economic evaluation of a randomized controlled trial of an intervention to reduce office workers’ sitting time: the "Stand Up Victoria" trial.Gao L et.al.
Original article2018;44(5):512-520Night work and risk of common mental disorders: analyzing observational data as a non-randomized pseudo trial.Beltagy MS et.al.
Original article2018;44(5):521-529The association of adolescent spinal-pain-related absenteeism with early adulthood work absenteeism: A six-year follow-up data from a population-based cohort.Coenen P et.al.
Original article2018;44(4):414-422Quality of motivational interviewing matters: the effect on participation in health-promotion activities in a cluster randomized controlled trial.Kouwenhoven-Pasmooij TA et.al.
Review2018;44(3):229-238Shift work and the risk of cardiovascular disease. A systematic review and meta-analysis including dose–response relationship.Torquati L et.al.
Review2018;44(3):239-250Long working hours and depressive symptoms: systematic review and meta-analysis of published studies and unpublished individual participant data.Virtanen M et.al.
Original article2018;44(3):258-264Night-shift work and hematological cancers: a population based case–control study in three Nordic countries.Talibov M et.al.
Original article2018;44(3):274-282Prediction of long-term absence due to sickness in employees: development and validation of a multifactorial risk score in two cohort studies.Airaksinen J et.al.
Original article2018;44(3):291-302Comprehensive profiles of psychological and social work factors as predictors of site-specific and multi-site pain.Christensen JO et.al.
Original article2018;44(3):310-322Occupational exposure to organic solvents and risk of male breast cancer: a European multicenter case-control study.Laouali N et.al.
Short communication2018;44(3):330-334The relationship between office type and job satisfaction: Testing a multiple mediation model through ease of interaction and well-being.Otterbring T et.al.
Review2018;44(2):113-133Are work organization interventions effective in preventing or reducing work-related musculoskeletal disorders? A systematic review of the literature.Stock SR et.al.
Original article2018;44(2):147-155Identifying return-to-work trajectories using sequence analysis in a cohort of workers with work-related musculoskeletal disorders.McLeod CB et.al.
Original article2018;44(2):163-170Is self-reported time spent sedentary and in physical activity differentially biased by age, gender, body mass index, and low-back pain?.Gupta N et.al.
Original article2018;44(2):171-182A health economic outcome evaluation of an internet-based mobile-supported stress management intervention for employees.Ebert DD et.al.
Original article2018;44(2):183-191Do resources buffer the prospective association of psychosocial work stress with depression? Longitudinal evidence from ageing workers.Lunau T et.al.
Original article2018;44(2):192-201Unhealthy lifestyle and sleep problems as risk factors for increased direct employers’ cost of short-term sickness absence.Kanerva N et.al.
Original article2018;44(2):212-218Prevention of hand eczema: effect of an educational program versus treatment as usual – results of the randomized clinical PREVEX trial.Fisker MH et.al.
Short communication2018;44(2):219-223Can illegitimate job tasks be reduced by a participatory organizational-level workplace intervention? Results of a cluster randomized controlled trial in Danish pre-schools.Framke E et.al.
Review2018;44(1):3-15Suicide among agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers: a systematic literature review and meta-analysis.Klingelschmidt J et.al.
Original article2018;44(1):58-68Effectiveness of a participatory physical and psychosocial intervention to balance the demands and resources of industrial workers: A cluster-randomized controlled trial.Gupta N et.al.
Original article2017;43(6):509-518Breast cancer and exposure to aircraft, road, and railway-noise: a case–control study based on health insurance records.Hegewald J et.al.
Original article2017;43(6):540-549The benefits of paid employment among persons with common mental health problems: evidence for the selection and causation mechanism.Schuring M, Robroek SJW, Burdorf A
Original article2017;43(6):560-568Shift work and the incidence of prostate cancer: a 10-year follow-up of a German population-based cohort study.Behrens T et.al.
Original article2017;43(6):569-577Shift work, long working hours, and later risk of dementia: A long-term follow-up of the Copenhagen Male Study.Nabe-Nielsen K et.al.
Original article2017;43(5):405-414Work-related biomechanical exposure and job strain in midlife separately and jointly predict disability after 28 years: a Finnish longitudinal study.Prakash KC et.al.
Original article2017;43(5):447-456Legislative change enabling use of early part-time sick leave enhanced return to work and work participation in Finland.Viikari-Juntura E et.al.
Original article2017;43(5):465-474Does age modify the association between psychosocial factors at work and deterioration of self-rated health?.Burr H et.al.
Review2017;43(4):294-306Effort–reward imbalance at work and risk of depressive disorders. A systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies.Rugulies R, Aust B, Madsen IEH
Original article2017;43(4):307-315Employees’ drug purchases before and after organizational downsizing: a natural experiment on the Norwegian working population (2004–2012).Kaspersen SL et.al.
Original article2017;43(4):350-357Effects on musculoskeletal pain from “Take a Stand!” – a cluster-randomized controlled trial reducing sitting time among office workers.Danquah IH et.al.
Original article2017;43(4):358-366Length of sickness absence and sustained return-to-work in mental disorders and musculoskeletal diseases: a cohort study of public sector employees.Kausto J et.al.
Original article2017;43(3):226-233Effectiveness of participatory training in preventing accidental occupational injuries: a randomized-controlled trial in China.Yu ITS et.al.
Original article2017;43(3):234-240Organizational change, psychosocial work environment, and non-disability early retirement: a prospective study among senior public employees.Breinegaard N, Jensen JH, Bonde JP
Original article2017;43(3):241-249Does age modify the association between physical work demands and deterioration of self-rated general health?.Burr H et.al.
Original article2017;43(3):269-278Associations of objectively measured sitting and standing with low-back pain intensity: a 6-month follow-up of construction and healthcare workers.Lunde L-K et.al.
Original article2017;43(2):109-116The impact of reduced worktime on sleep and perceived stress – a group randomized intervention study using diary data.Schiller H et.al.
Original article2017;43(1):5-14Job strain and informal caregiving as predictors of long-term sickness absence: A longitudinal multi-cohort study.Mortensen J et.al.
Original article2017;43(1):15-23Physical and cognitive capability in mid-adulthood as determinants of retirement and extended working life in a British cohort study.Stafford M et.al.
Original article2017;43(1):24-33The influence of poor health on competing exit routes from paid employment among older workers in 11 European countries.Reeuwijk KG et.al.
Original article2017;43(1):50-58Psychosocial job quality and mental health among young workers: a fixed-effects regression analysis using 13 waves of annual data.Milner A, Krnjacki L, LaMontagne AD
Original article2016;42(5):395-404Organizational justice and disability pension from all-causes, depression and musculoskeletal diseases: A Finnish cohort study of public sector employees.Juvani A et.al.
Original article2016;42(5):413-422The relationship between chronic conditions and absenteeism and associated costs in Canada.Zhang W, McLeod CB, Koehoorn M
Original article2016;42(5):423-434Effects of leisure-time and occupational physical activities on 20-year incidence of acute myocardial infarction: mediation and interaction.Wang A et.al.
Original article2016;42(5):435-446Night shift work and other determinants of estradiol, testosterone, and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate among middle-aged nurses and midwives.Peplonska B et.al.
Original article2016;42(4):280-290Carpal tunnel syndrome and manual work: the OCTOPUS cohort, results of a ten-year longitudinal study.Violante FS et.al.
Original article2016;42(4):299-308Joint association of sleep problems and psychosocial working conditions with registered long-term sickness absence. A Danish cohort study.Madsen IEH et.al.
Original article2016;42(4):320-328The influence of and change in procedural justice on self-rated health trajectories: Swedish Longitudinal Occupational Survey of Health results.Leineweber C et.al.
Original article2016;42(4):329-337Improving safety climate through a communication and recognition program for construction: a mixed methods study.Sparer EH et.al.
Original article2016;42(4):338-345Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Danish version of the 19-item return-to-work self-efficacy (RTWSE-19) questionnaire.Momsen AH et.al.
Review2016;42(3):181-191Interventions to reduce sedentary behavior and increase physical activity during productive work: a systematic review.Commissaris DACM et.al.
Original article2016;42(3):201-208Sickness absence and mental health: evidence from a nationally representative longitudinal survey.Wooden M, Bubonya M, Cobb-Clark D
Original article2016;42(3):209-216Contribution of comorbid conditions to the association between diabetes and disability pensions: a population-based nationwide cohort study.Ervasti J et.al.
Original article2016;42(3):237-245Prediction of objectively measured physical activity and sedentariness among blue-collar workers using survey questionnaires.Gupta N et.al.
Review2016;42(1):3-16Systematic review of qualitative literature on occupational health and safety legislation and regulatory enforcement planning and implementation.MacEachen E et.al.
Original article2015;41(6):529-541Implementation of the Danish return-to-work program: process evaluation of a trial in 21 Danish municipalities.Aust B et.al.
Original article2015;41(5):441-450Educational differences in trajectories of self-rated health before, during, and after entering or leaving paid employment in the European workforce.Schuring M et.al.
Original article2015;41(5):451-459Perceived fairness of pay among people with and without disabilities: a propensity score matched analysis of working Australians.Milner A et.al.
Original article2015;41(5):467-477Lung cancer among coal miners, ore miners and quarrymen: smoking-adjusted risk estimates from the synergy pooled analysis of case–control studies.Taeger D et.al.
Short communication2015;41(5):486-490Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Danish consensus version of the 10-item Perceived Stress Scale.Eskildsen A et.al.
Original article2015;41(4):384-396Maternal occupation during pregnancy, birth weight, and length of gestation: combined analysis of 13 European birth cohorts.Casas M et.al.
Original article2015;41(3):234-246Patterns of biomechanical demands are associated with musculoskeletal pain in the beginning of professional life: a population-based study.Lourenço S et.al.
Commentary2015;41(3):299-311Recommendations for individual participant data meta-analyses on work stressors and health outcomes: comments on IPD-Work Consortium papers.Choi B et.al.
Letter to the Editor2015;41(3):312-321IPD-Work consortium: pre-defined meta-analyses of individual-participant data strengthen evidence base for a link between psychosocial factors and health.Kivimäki M et.al.
Original article2015;41(2):175-183Risk of congenital malformations among children of construction painters in Denmark: a nationwide cohort study.Tougaard NH et.al.
Original article2014;40(6):557-568Evaluation of an mHealth intervention aiming to improve health-related behavior and sleep and reduce fatigue among airline pilots.van Drongelen A et.al.
Original article2014;40(5):465-472Precarious employment and the risk of serious psychological distress: a population-based cohort study in Japan.Kachi Y, Otsuka T, Kawada T
Original article2014;40(5):473-482The influence of chronic health problems on work ability and productivity at work: a longitudinal study among older employees.Leijten FRM et.al.
Original article2014;40(5):483-492Do working conditions explain the increased risks of disability pension among men and women with low education? A follow-up of Swedish cohorts.Falkstedt D et.al.
Original article2014;40(5):518-530Air pollution exposure and adverse pregnancy outcomes in a large UK birth cohort: use of a novel spatio-temporal modelling technique.Hannam K et.al.
Original article2014;40(4):343-352Is temporary employment a risk factor for work disability due to depressive disorders and delayed return to work? The Finnish Public Sector Study.Ervasti J et.al.
Original article2014;40(4):380-389Trajectories of productivity loss over a 20-year period: an analysis of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth.Besen E, Pransky G
Review2014;40(3):230-234A meta-analysis of health effects of randomized controlled worksite interventions: Does social stratification matter?.Montano D, Hoven H, Siegrist J
Original article2014;40(3):287-294Individual and work-related predictors of work outcomes related to sustainable employment among male shift and day workers.van de Ven HA et.al.
Review2014;40(2):109-132Adverse effects of psychosocial work factors on blood pressure: systematic review of studies on demand–control–support and effort–reward imbalance models.Gilbert-Ouimet M et.al.
Review2014;40(2):133-145Associations of work activities requiring pinch or hand grip or exposure to hand-arm vibration with finger and wrist osteoarthritis: a meta-analysis.Hammer PEC et.al.
Original article2014;40(2):167-175Impact of pre-existing chronic conditions on age differences in sickness absence after a musculoskeletal work injury: A path analysis approach.Smith P et.al.
Original article2014;40(1):57-65Effect of systematic ergonomic hazard identification and control implementation on musculoskeletal disorder and injury risk.Cantley LF et.al.
Review2013;39(6):535-549Psychosocial work characteristics and sleep quality: a systematic review of longitudinal and intervention research.Van Laethem M et.al.
Review2013;39(4):325-334Miscarriage and occupational activity: a systematic review and meta-analysis regarding shift work, working hours, lifting, standing, and physical workload.Bonde JP et.al.
Review2013;39(3):233-240The contribution of overweight, obesity, and lack of physical activity to exit from paid employment: a meta-analysis.Robroek SJW et.al.
Original article2013;39(2):144-154Effectiveness of an exposure-based return-to-work program for workers on sick leave due to common mental disorders: a cluster-randomized controlled trial.Noordik E et.al.
Review2012;38(6):489-502The association between study characteristics and outcome in the relation between job stress and cardiovascular disease – a multilevel meta-regression analysis.Szerencsi K et.al.
Original article2012;38(6):527-536A two-year follow-up study of risk of depression according to work-unit measures of psychological demands and decision latitude.Grynderup MB et.al.
Original article2012;38(5):409-417Trajectories of mental health before and after old-age and disability retirement: a register-based study on purchases of psychotropic drugs.Laaksonen M et.al.
Original article2012;38(5):447-455Hazard functions to describe patterns of new and recurrent sick leave episodes for different diagnoses.Navarro A et.al.
Review2012;38(4):299-313Systematic review on the association between employee worktime control and work–non-work balance, health and well-being, and job-related outcomes.Nijp HH et.al.
Review2012;38(1):5-18Evaluation of the measurement properties of self-reported health-related work-functioning instruments among workers with common mental disorders.Abma FI et.al.
Short communication2011;37(3):253-258“Is this case of a very rare disease work-related?” A review of reported cases of Pacinian neuroma.Zanardi F et.al.
Original article2011;37(2):147-158Airborne concentrations of benzene for dock workers at the ExxonMobil refinery and chemical plant, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA (1977–2005).Widner TE et.al.
Original article2010;36(3):250-257Occupation and the risk of hearing impairment – results from the Nord-Trøndelag study on hearing loss.Engdahl B, Tambs K
Review2009;35(4):245-260Validity of self-reported mechanical demands for occupational epidemiologic research of musculoskeletal disorders.Barrero LH, Katz JN, Dennerlein JT
Original article2009;35(2):145-152Changes in stress and coping from a randomized controlled trial of a three-month stress management intervention.Willert MV et.al.
Review2007;33(2):85-95Systematic review of the prevention incentives of insurance and regulatory mechanisms for occupational health and safety.Tompa E, Trevithick S, McLeod CB
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