CONTENTS — volume 34, no 6, 2008

Published: 00 Dec 2008


Role of occupational hygiene research in the control of occupational health risks from engineered nanoparticles

Original article

Occupational loading, health behavior and sleep disturbance as predictors of low-back pain
Predictors of sick leave and reduced productivity at work among persons with early inflammatory joint conditions
Influence of self-reported work conditions and health on full, partial and no return to work after long-term sickness absence
Sick leave among native and immigrant workers in Spain—a 6-month follow-up study
Exposure to iron and welding fumes and the risk of lung cancer
Behavior of aluminum in aluminum welders and manufacturers of aluminum sulfate—impact on biological monitoring
Long-term follow-up study of mortality and the incidence of cancer in a cohort of workers at a primary aluminum smelter in Sweden

Discussion paper

Sharpening the focus on occupational safety and health in nanotechnology

Short communication

Role of diagnoses and socioeconomic status in mortality among disability pensioners in Norway—a population-based cohort study
Does evening work predict sickness absence among female carers of the elderly?