Original article

Scand J Work Environ Health 1991;17(4):231-239    pdf

https://doi.org/10.5271/sjweh.1708 | Issue date: Aug 1991

Renal cell cancer and occupational exposure to chemical agents.

by Partanen T, Heikkila P, Hernberg S, Kauppinen T, Moneta G, Ojajarvi A

A case-referent study of occupational risk indicators of renal cell adenocarcinoma was conducted. Each incident case in Finland in 1977-1978 was matched with two population referents. Lifelong job histories were collected and translated into indicators of industry, occupation, and occupational exposures. The analyses of 338 sets of cases and referents revealed elevated risks for a history of employment in white-collar occupations; the printing industry; the chemical industry; the manufacturing of metal products; mail, telephone, and telegraph services; and iron and metalware work. A decreased risk was observed for male farmers. An elevated risk and an exposure-response relationship were found for gasoline exposure. The excess risk was highest at a latency period of approximately 30 years. The findings support the hypothesis that exposure to some constituent(s) of gasoline increases the incidence of renal adenocarcinoma in humans. Suggestions of elevated risks appeared for exposures to inorganic lead, cadmium, and nonchlorinated solvents.

The following article refers to this text: 2024;50(7):489-502