Original article

Scand J Work Environ Health 1985;11(3):223-227    pdf

https://doi.org/10.5271/sjweh.2231 | Issue date: Jun 1985

Current problems of nonionizing radiation.

by Izmerov NF

Electromagnetic radiation in the radiofrequency range is the most common type of nonionizing radiation. The accelerated development in telecommunications and the introduction of power transmission lines, as well as glue drying and plastic heating in the wood and plastic industries, cause both occupational and nonoccupational systematic exposure to electromagnetic radiation in the radiofrequency range. For the hygienic rating of radiowave exposure it is necessary to use biological models to evaluate, in depth, the mechanisms and effects of electromagnetic radiation. The ultra- and superhigh frequency range is the most active in causing biological responses. The high frequency range is less active. Physical characteristics (continuous and impulse) and the combined effect of the electromagnetic field with other factors, eg, elevated air temperature, etc, have an effect on biological responses.