Scand J Work Environ Health 1984;10(1):59-61 pdf | Issue date: Feb 1984
Styrene exposure and the liver.
The liver functions, as reflected by the serum enzyme activities of aspartate aminotranferase, alanine aminotransferase, and gamma glutamyl transferase and by the concentrations of cholic acid and deoxycholic acid, of 34 styrene-exposed and 34 reference female workers were followed prospectively for a year. The mean age of exposed workers was 34.2 years, mean duration of past exposure 5.1 years. The mean age of the referents was 30.7 years. During the follow-up period blood samples were collected three times for the determinations. The history of possible liver disease and alcohol consumption was ascertained by questionnaire. Altogether 87 samples of both groups were analyzed. The styrene-exposed group did not have higher values for any measurement when compared with those of the referents. Two persons in both groups had one sample with transaminase activities exceeding laboratory reference values. The abnormal values were associated with the use of drugs or alcohol. Cholic acid and chenodeoxycholic acid concentrations were of the same magnitude in both groups.