SJWEH Supplements 2005;(no 1):46-50 pdf
Human resource needs of modern occupational health services––the case in Finland
This article discusses the manpower needs of modern occupational health services in Finland. The background of the discussion is the changes taking place in worklife and their demands on occupational health services. The needs and the demands of clients are currently more versatile than ever before. Today occupational health personnel are facing many complex problems. The Act on Occupational Health Services, passed in 2001, clearly defines the experts and professionals needed. A study on the training of occupational health personnel in 2003 revealed the inadequate manpower situation in Finnish occupational health units. Another study, on the maintenance of work ability (MWA barometer) in 2001 revealed the unfulfilled expectations clients have of occupational health services and the factors perceived to affect cooperation between clients and such services. The new phenomena and problems of worklife demand versatile expertise. New open-minded solutions are needed to ensure human resources for occupational health services.
Key terms expert; Finland; human resources; manpower; occupational health services; OHS; professional; training; working life; worklife