Author: Wiebert P

Original article 2022;48(6):479-489   pdf full text
Time trends in occupational exposure to chemicals in Sweden: proportion exposed, distribution across demographic and labor market strata, and exposure levels
Gustavsson P, Wiebert P, Tinnerberg H, Bodin T, Linnersjö A, Hed Myrberg I, Albin M, Selander J
Original article 2019;45(6):642-650   pdf full text
Postmenopausal breast cancer and occupational exposure to chemicals
Videnros C, Selander J, Wiebert P, Albin M, Plato N, Borgquist S, Manjer K, Gustavsson P
Original article 2013;39(3):295-301   pdf full text
Occupational exposure to particles and incidence of stroke
Sjögren B, Lönn M, Fremling K, Feychting M, Nise G, Kauppinen T, Plato N, Wiebert P, Gustavsson P