Author: Myers JE

Original article 1989;15(3):180-187   pdf
Respiratory health of brickworkers in Cape Town, South Africa. Background, aims and dust exposure determinations.
Myers JE, Lewis P, Hofmeyr W
Original article 1989;15(3):198-202   pdf
Respiratory health of brickworkers in Cape Town, South Africa. Appropriate dust exposure indicators and permissible exposure limits.
Myers JE
Original article 1989;15(3):188-194   pdf
Respiratory health of brickworkers in Cape Town, South Africa. Symptoms, signs and pulmonary function abnormalities.
Myers JE, Cornell JE
Original article 1989;15(3):195-197   pdf
Respiratory health of brickworkers in Cape Town, South Africa. Radiographic abnormalities.
Myers JE, Garisch D, Louw SJ
Original article 1998;24(1):18-29   pdf
Effects of long-term organophosphate exposures on neurological symptoms, vibration sense and tremor amongst South African farm workers
London L, Nell V, Thompson M-L, Myers JE