Key term: physiology

Letter to the Editor 1987;13(1):73-73   pdf
Author`s reply
Wilson HK
Letter to the Editor 1987;13(1):73-73   pdf
Re: "Breath analysis: Physiological basis and sampling techniques" by KH Wilson. Scand J Work Environ Health 12 (1986) 174-192
Brugnonen F
Original article 1986;12(3):174-192   pdf
Breath analysis. Physiological basis and sampling techniques.
Wilson HK
Original article 2007;33(4):260-266   pdf
Physiological and psychological stress reactions in relation to classroom noise
Wålinder R, Gunnarsson K, Runeson R, Smedje G
Review 2003;29(3):171-188   pdf
Long workhours and health
van der Hulst M