Key term: sulfur dioxide

Short communication 2019;45(3):312-315   pdf full text
Respiratory health among professionals exposed to extreme SO2 levels from a volcanic eruption
Carlsen HK, Aspelund T, Briem H, Gislason T, Jóhannsson T, Valdimarsdóttir U, Gudnason T
Original article 1981;7(1):1-7   pdf
Human response to controlled levels of combinations of sulfur dioxide and inert dust.
Andersen I, Mølhave L, Proctor DF
Original article 1981;7(4):302-309   pdf
On the interaction between occupational arsenic exposure and smoking and its relationship to lung cancer.
Pershagen G, Wall S, Taube A, Linnman L
Supplement 2004;30 suppl 2:19-27   pdf
Mortality and air pollution in metropolitan Helsinki, 1988-1996
Penttinen P, Tiittanen P, Pekkanen J