Key term: climate

Original article 1979;5(3):195-204   pdf  pdf
Effects of work in cold stores on man
Enander A, Ljungberg A-S, Holmér I
Original article 2010;36(6):509-513   pdf
White fingers, cold environment, and vibration – exposure among Swedish construction workers
Burström L, Järvholm B, Nilsson T, Wahlström J
Original article 1979;5(4):352-361   pdf
The effects of moderate heat stress on mental performance.
Wyon DP, Andersen I, Lundqvist GR
Supplement article 2005;31 suppl 2:37-42   pdf
The conditions and perception of work during painting behind screening
Spee T, Boeckhout CI, van Ginkel T, Terwoert J