CONTENTS — volume 21, no 1, 1995

Published: Feb 1995


Time for change


Occupational back pain -- an unhelpful polemic

Original article

Reducing random measurement error in assessing postural load on the back in epidemiologic surveys
Mortality among Icelandic nurses
Dermatoses determined in a population of farmers in questionnaire-based clinical study including methodology validation
Single-strand breaks in deoxyribonucleic acid in fire fighters accidentally exposed to o-nitroanisole and other chemicals
Assessment and grouping of occupational magnetic field exposure in five electric utility companies
Health symptoms and the work environment in four nonproblem United States office buildings


Musculoskeletal disorders among operators of visual display terminal

Letter to the Editor

Does welding stainless steel cause cancer?
Sex ratio of offspring of female physiotherapists exposed to low-level high-frequency electromagnetic radiation.
Request for help with evaluations for occupational safety intervention