CONTENTS — volume 15, no 3, 1989

Published: Jun 1989

Original article

Cardiovascular diseases and the work environment. A critical review of the epidemiologic literature on nonchemical factors.
Respiratory health of brickworkers in Cape Town, South Africa. Background, aims and dust exposure determinations.
Respiratory health of brickworkers in Cape Town, South Africa. Symptoms, signs and pulmonary function abnormalities.
Respiratory health of brickworkers in Cape Town, South Africa. Radiographic abnormalities.
Respiratory health of brickworkers in Cape Town, South Africa. Appropriate dust exposure indicators and permissible exposure limits.
Cancer risk in a cohort of licensed pesticide users.
Absence of toxic effects in silver reclamation workers.
Time to pregnancy among Danish pharmacy assistants.
Pregnancy outcome among working women.
Isocyanate exposure and hypersensitivity pneumonitis--report of a probable case and prevalence of specific immunoglobulin G antibodies among exposed individuals.

Letter to the Editor

Menstrual disorders among dry-cleaning workers.
Re: Chronic lung disease and occupational dust exposure