CONTENTS — volume 13, no 2, 1987

Published: Apr 1987

Original article

Pharmacokinetics of organic solvent vapors in relation to their toxicity.
Mortality of workers exposed to styrene in the manufacture of glass-reinforced plastics.
Mortality among workers at a uranium processing facility, the Linde Air Products Company Ceramics Plant, 1943-1949.
Mortality of chrome leather tannery workers and chemical exposures in tanneries.
Mortality of workers compensated for silicosis during the period 1959-1963 in the Veneto region of Italy.
Mortality among male farmers in Finland during 1979-1983.
The Copenhagen case-referent study on bladder cancer. Risks among drivers, painters and certain other occupations.
Effects of lead exposure on pregnancy outcome and the fetal brain of squirrel monkeys.
Occupation, work load and the size and shape of lumbar vertebral canals.
Occupational asthma caused by himic anhydride.

Letter to the Editor

Re: "Parental occupation and birth outcome in an agricultural community" by DA Schwartz, LA Newsum, R Markowitz Heifetz, Scand J Work Environ Health 12 (1986) 51-54
Authors` reply
Increased lung cancer mortality among Norwegian cooks

Book reviews

Amendments and corrections

Re: Cherrie J, Dodgson J, Groat S, Maclaren W. Environmental surveys in the European man-made mineral fiber production industry. Scand J Work Environ Health 12 (1986): suppl 1, 18-25.
Re: Simonato L, Fletcher AC, Cherrie J, Andersen A, Bertazzi PA, Charnay N, Claude J, Dodgson J, Esteve J, Frentzel-Beyme R, Gardner MJ, Jensen OM, Olsen JH, Saracci R, Teppo L, Winkelmann R, Westerholm P, Winter PD, Zocchetti C, The man-made mineral fiber European historical cohort study: Extension of the follow-up. Scand J Work Environ Health 12 (1986): suppl 1, 34-37