CONTENTS — volume 13, no 1, 1987

Published: Feb 1987

Letter to the Editor

Author`s reply

Original article

Psychological stress experienced by health care personnel.
Phenoxy herbicides and soft-tissue sarcomas in female rice weeders. A population-based case-referent study.
Mortality and disability among granite workers.
Cancer mortality of granite workers.
Noise-induced hearing loss in relation to vibration-induced white finger in chain-saw workers.
Circulatory and thermal responses of men with different training status to prolonged physical work in dry and humid heat.
Abnormalities of pulmonary function and pleural disease among titanium metal production workers.
Lead exposure during demolition of a steel structure coated with lead-based paints. I. Environmental and biological monitoring.
Lead exposure during demolition of a steel structure coated with lead-based paints. II. Reversible changes in the conduction velocity of the motor nerves in transiently exposed workers.
Hospital versus population referents in two case-referent studies.
Accuracy of work history obtained from a spouse.
The healthy worker effect. Selection of workers and work forces.

Letter to the Editor

Re: "Breath analysis: Physiological basis and sampling techniques" by KH Wilson. Scand J Work Environ Health 12 (1986) 174-192
Author`s reply
