CONTENTS — volume 23, no 3, 1997

Published: Jun 1997


Evidence-based intervention for musculoskeletal disorders


Vocational outcome of intervention for low-back pain

Original article

Psychosocial job factors associated with back and neck pain in public transit operators
Lung cancer incidence among an Icelandic cohort exposed to diatomaceous earth and cristobalit
Short-term effect of hand-arm vibration exposure on tactile sensitivity and manual skill
Urinary 1-naphthol excretion in the assessment of exposure to creosote in an impregnation facility
Are deficits in the equilibrium system relevant to the clinical investigation of solvent-induced neurotoxicity?
Specific antibodies against methyltetrahydrophthalic anhydride and risk factors for sensitization in occupationally exposed subjects
Coronary heart disease mortality among Newfoundland fluorspar miners

Case report

Airway isocyanate-adducts in asthma induced by exposure to hexamethylene diisocyanate


Statistical significance -- a misconstrued notion in medical research