CONTENTS — volume 11, no 6, 1985

Published: Dec 1985

Original article

Cancer among farmers. A review.
Formaldehyde exposure and respiratory and related cancers. A case-referent study among Finnish woodworkers.
Soft tissue disorders in the upper limbs of female garment workers.
Health and stress of seafarers.
Jet fuel and liver function.
Thermal oxidation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons adsorbed on alumina.
Astrogliosis in the cerebral cortex of gerbils after long-term exposure to 1,1,1-trichloroethane.
Work with video display terminals among office employees. I. Subjective symptoms and discomfort.
Work with video display terminals among office employees. II. Physical exposure factors.
Work with video display terminals among office employees. III. Ophthalmologic factors.
Work with video display terminals among office employees. IV. Refraction, accommodation, convergence and binocular vision.
Work with video display terminals among office employees. V. Dermatologic factors.

Letter to the Editor

State-dependent learning during chronic trichloroethylene exposure.
Re.: "Systemic reactions associated with polyisocyanate exposure" by J Nielsen, C Sango, G Winroth, T Hallberg,S Skerfving. Scand J Work Environ Health 11 (1985) 51-54


Amendments and corrections

Re: Skulberg KR, Gylseth B, Skaug V, Hanoa R. Mica pneumoconiosis - A litera ture review. Scand J Work Environ Health 11 (1985) 65-74.
Re: Schneider T, Skotte J , Nissen P. Man-made mineral fiber size fractions and their interrelation. Scand J Work Environ Health II (1985) 117-122.