CONTENTS — volume 11, no 2, 1985

Published: Apr 1985

Original article

Mica pneumoconiosis--a literature review.
Cancer risk of arc welders exposed to fumes containing chromium and nickel.
Renal toxicity in uranium mill workers.
Reversible nerve lesions after accidental polychlorinated biphenyl exposure.
Urolithiasis in railroad shopmen in relation to oxalic acid exposure at work.
Symptoms and clinical findings in patients with silicosis.
Analysis of asbestos fibers and asbestos bodies in tissue samples from human lung. An international interlaboratory trial.
Occurrence of airborne silicon carbide fibers during industrial production of silicon carbide.
Man-made mineral fiber size fractions and their interrelation.
The WHO/EURO man-made mineral fiber reference scheme. By the WHO/EURO Technical Committee for Monitoring and Evaluating MMMF.
Assessing the possible extent of confounding in occupational case-referent studies.

Letter to the Editor

Re: "A mortality study of workers employed in a German rock wool factory" by J Claude, R Frentzel·Beyme. Scand J Work Environ Health 10 (1984) 151-157.