CONTENTS — volume 4, no 3, 1978

Published: Sep 1978

Original article

Exposure to xylene and ethylbenzene. I. Uptake, distribution and elimination in man.
Exposure to xylene and ethylbenzene. II. Concentration in subcutaneous adipose tissue
Exposure to xylene and ethylbenzene. III. Effects on central nervous functions.
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the work atmosphere. I. Determination in an aluminum reduction plant.
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the work atmosphere. II. Determination in a coke plant.
Exposure to toluene in a photogravure printing plant. Concentration in ambient air and uptake in the body.
A decrease in the prevalence and severity of vibration-induced white fingers among lumberjacks in Finland.
Effect of occupational exposure to organophosphorus insecticides on neuromuscular function.

Letter to the Editor

Dermatological and allergic hazards of cheesemakers.

Book review