CONTENTS — volume 4, no 1, 1978

Published: Mar 1978

Biological monitoring. Guest lecture given at the 26th Nordic symposium on industrial hygiene, Helsinki, October 1977.

Original article

Long-term exposure to jet fuel. II. A cross-sectional epidemiologic investigation on occupationally exposed industrial workers with special reference to the nervous system.
Mining, lung cancer and smoking.
Exposure-response relationship between styrene exposure and central nervous functions.
Exposure of rabbits to styrene. Electronystagmographic findings correlated to the styrene level in blood and cerebrospinal fluid.
Acute effects of tetraethyltiuram disulfide on serum levels of hypophyseal hormones in humans.
Percutaneous absorption of solvent vapors in man.


Introduction to the bibliography Man and Work in Psychology
Pöyhönen T, reporter

Meeting report

The 26th Nordic Symposium on Industrial Hygiene
Saarinen L, reporter

Letter to the Editor

Aspects on confounding in occupational health epidemiology.