CONTENTS — volume 38, no 6, 2012

Published: 01 Nov 2012


The need for novel strategies to analyze the dynamic pattern of worker’s health over time and the consequences for sustained employability


The association between study characteristics and outcome in the relation between job stress and cardiovascular disease – a multilevel meta-regression analysis
Unrecognized risks of nickel-related respiratory cancer among Canadian electrolysis workers

Original article

Transitions between sickness absence, work, unemployment, and disability in Denmark 2004–2008
A two-year follow-up study of risk of depression according to work-unit measures of psychological demands and decision latitude
Association between change in employment status and new-onset depressive symptoms in South Korea – a gender analysis
Cognitive function among sons of women who worked in dentistry
Nightshift work job exposure matrices and urinary 6-sulfatoxymelatonin levels among healthy Chinese women
The effect of rest breaks on time to injury – a study on work-related ladder-fall injuries in the United States
Long-term effects of biomechanical exposure on severe shoulder pain in the Gazel cohort
Professional driving and prolapsed lumbar intervertebral disc diagnosed by magnetic resonance imaging: a case–control study
Dose–response relation between perceived physical exertion during healthcare work and risk of long-term sickness absence
Characteristics of the Million Women Study participants who have and have not worked at night

Short communication

Prognostic value of self-reported work ability and performance-based lifting tests for sustainable return to work among construction workers

Amendments and corrections

Re: Young AE, Wasiak R, Webster BS, Shayne RGF. Urban–rural differences in work disability after an occupational injury. Scand J Work Environ Health. 2008;34(2):158–164. doi:10.5271/sjweh.1217


Open position at The Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine and the Division of Internal Medicine, University and University Hospital of Zurich