CONTENTS — volume 41, no 1, 2015

Published: 01 Jan 2015


Epidemics of asbestos-related diseases – something old, something new

Consensus report

Asbestos, asbestosis, and cancer, the Helsinki criteria for diagnosis and attribution 2014: recommendations
Wolff H, reporter, Vehmas T, reporter, Oksa P, reporter, Rantanen J, reporter, Vainio H, reporter

Original article

How do retirement dynamics influence mental well-being in later life? A 10-year panel study
The role of ability, motivation, and opportunity to work in the transition from work to early retirement – testing and optimizing the Early Retirement Model
Screening manual and office workers for risk of long-term sickness absence: cut-off points for the Work Ability Index
Job demands and alcohol use: testing a moderated mediation model
Lifestyle counseling to reduce body weight and cardiometabolic risk factors among truck and bus drivers – a randomized controlled trial
The effect of the presence and characteristics of an outlying group on exposure–outcome associations
Association between ambient noise exposure, hearing acuity, and risk of acute occupational injury
Does workplace health promotion reach shift workers?
Neurological outcomes associated with low-level manganese exposure in an inception cohort of asymptomatic welding trainees


Who is the expert for the evaluation of work ability?

Letter to the Editor

Re: Bracci M et al. “Rotating-shift nurses after a day off: peripheral clock gene expression, urinary melatonin, and serum 17–estradiol levels.”