CONTENTS — volume 42, no 2, 2016

Published: 01 Mar 2016


On the scarring effects of job insecurity (and how they can be explained)


Systematic review of biochemical biomarkers for neck and upper-extremity musculoskeletal disorders

Original article

Social support modifies association between forward bending of the trunk and low-back pain: Cross-sectional field study of blue-collar workers
A dose–response relationship between long working hours and unmet need for access to hospital facilities
Prostate cancer risk among French farmers in the AGRICAN cohort
Long working hours and use of psychotropic medicine: a follow-up study with register linkage
The 2-phase case–control design: an efficient way to use expert-time

Short communication

Mid-life job insecurity associated with subjective well-being in old age: results from the population-based MONICA/KORA study

Letter to the Editor

Are there too many “times-to-pregnancy”?