CONTENTS — volume 49, no 1, 2023

Published: 01 Jan 2023


Office design and occupational health – has research been left behind?


Interventions for preventing back pain among office workers – a systematic review and network meta-analysis

Original article

Working life expectancy and working years lost among users of part- and full-time sickness absence in Finland
The influence of onset of disease on exit from paid employment among workers in The Netherlands: A longitudinal register-based study with 9 years follow-up
Targeting workload to ameliorate risk of heat stress in industrial sugarcane workers
Occupational demands associated with rotator cuff disease surgery in the UK Biobank
Workplace bullying, symptoms of anxiety and the interaction with leadership quality – a longitudinal study using dynamic panel models with fixed effects
The association of job fatigue with mental disorders among bus drivers
Occupational risk of COVID-19 related hospital admission in Denmark 2020–2021: a follow-up study